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addicted to bottled water?


Part Of The Furniture
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or do you just drink from the tap? my son is addicted to poland spring :( and so am i. it's really bad to keep adding all these plastic bottles to the environment.

i must stop. what say you?
It's not real water, but I'm addicted to those Vitamin waters.

Other than that, (Nestle) Pure Life or something. It doesn't make a difference to me.
It's not real water, but I'm addicted to those Vitamin waters.

vitamin water is awesome. i used to drink the grape-flavored one all the time until i found out how much sugar was in it. gads!

the fruit water is pretty decent also.
I love the H2O. I tend to drink 3 nalgene bottles full every day. I will drink the tap water if I don't have a water cooler available, but the nice filtered water is better. I try to stay away from the bottled water because of the plastic bottles, but if you don't have access to a water cooler, and the tap water tastes awfull, bottled water it is.
i never pay for water aside from what comes out of the tap. i do have a brita filter, but i drink way more milk than water.
I don't do it because it's horrible from the environment. I drink loads of water filtered at my house.
it's really bad to keep adding all these plastic bottles to the environment.

it's horrible from the environment

Why? Is there no plastic recycling system in your area? :eek:

In Germany, we have refundable deposit for plastic bottles. When they're returned to the bottle factory, they're electronically sniffed at to see if they can be reused, then cleaned and reused if possible, and otherwise recycled, turned into granulate and remelted for new bottles. :)
vitamin water is awesome. i used to drink the grape-flavored one all the time until i found out how much sugar was in it. gads!

the fruit water is pretty decent also.

I know, the 20 oz.'s calories are equivalent to a can of Dr. Pepper! (I checked). Although they don't have the same ingredients, there is a lot of sugar in those.

I can't seem to quit them though. :embarass:
I've got a brita pitcher but I love tap water in the winter. It's just a different kind of cold you don't get from the fridge. Or it could be all the contaminants, I don't know.
well, i personally do not like the water in my boyfriends apartment, so i drink whatever bottled water i can when i can. i have been obsessed with raspberry ginger ale again, so i drink a lot of that. bottled water is a Godsend sometimes :)
Raspberry Ginger Ale? Wow I have never even heard of that, but that sounds pretty good.
I drink bottled water, but that's only because the tap water here tastes like pee and would probably kill me after a week of drinking it.
I drink bottled water, depends on what is on sale. i refuse to drink water out of the tap, it is just totally nasty.

i don't even let my furkids drink out of the tap....
Being here in CO with the altitude, we were told it is an excellent idea to drink water. Gets rid of the headache and such. I have been drinking around 3-4 bottles of water a day! If only I could do this every day. I think I've actually lost some weight, what with consuming so much water, being so active, and my funky appetite. Yays!
I only drink Deer Park. It is the only water that doesn't have a metal taste in it.
Those Vita waters are awesome! I usually drink Nestle's Pure Life. I also like Le Bleu. Glaceau Water is expensive but also very good. They make the vitawater. All of those are distilled (or something very close to it) which means they still taste good after they've been sitting in my car for days. Makes it easier to leave a bottle of water in my cup holder so I can have it whenever I get into my car. Most of those other drinks start to taste nasty as they get old. I like my water room temperature and these are the only ones that still taste good warm.

Tap water can be tricky. In some studies, it is actually healthier to drink than bottled water, but sometimes it just doesn't taste good because of too much chlorine, calcium, and whatever else is deposited in to the water.
I only drink bottled water. Hell, I just about drink only water period! Tap water tastes nasty, and even smells like chlorine! (at least where I'm at) You can seriously smell it when you turn on the tap.
I'm not really picky about the specific brand of water it is I'm drinking, and usually go by what's on sale, but I seem to favor Poland Spring out of all the brands of water.
The only time I will drink tap water is if it's been through one of those filters. Where I live on campus, we keep a Brita water pitcher filter in the fridge, and it's so convenient, and a lot cheaper than constantly buying cases of bottled water. The filtered water from it tastes just fine.