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Advancing The Journey To Mars


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Morganton, NC
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden spoke about the agency’s journey to Mars during remarks to the Center for American Progress in Washington, DC., on Wednesday, October 28, 2015.

NASA recently released the report “Journey to Mars: Pioneering Next Steps in Space Exploration,” outlining its plan to reach Mars in phases, starting by testing technologies and conducting research aboard the International Space Station; developing the necessary hardware and procedures in the proving ground around the moon; and finally sending astronauts to Mars itself.
NASA is as slow as syrup.  Obama cut their funding 7 years ago and their primary role went from explorer's to pencil pushing telescope maintainers.  Any real space achievement will come from private industry now. I'm personally supporting and watching the Mars One Project.


One of the first things that began to push me away from both the Left in general & from the Democratic Party was Obama's decision to change course on the space program - in particular, the decision to begin bumming rides from the Russians into LEO.

FWIW, this is one of those areas were a private-public approach is best: where private industry can get it done, let them tackle it...where NASA needs to take the reins, let them...as long as the main objective - re-establishing a long-term U.S. presence in space - is accomplished.
I feel mars is too far of a jump for us yet, we haven't done anything to our own moon and we want to go after Mars? It won't happen anytime soon and should it, the whole thing is sure to blow up in our faces.