Alien Invasion in the USA!!


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
Boston, Massachusetts - April 1, 2010 (reuters/dpa) - On Thursday, not long after midnight, Bostoners were in for a surprise when they saw a huge spacecraft hovering in the night sky. According to early reports and eye witnesses, the craft has begun launching capsules that were seen landing around Essex and Norfolk. Local radio stations and police advised citizens to remain calm and stay in their homes until the situation is under control. The National Guard has been called in for help. If you see any alien craft within your area, please stay calm and inform the local authorities.

CNN had some footage up on here but apparently it has been deleted for whatever reason.

My father told me, that when Orson Wells did the War of the Worlds, his sister worked at the radio station. The government had them do this, is a test of the psyche of the population. Based on the activities of those that heard the broadcast, they decided that common people were not strong enough to know the truth, we would panic. I have no reason to doubt my father, he really was one of the most honest and stand up man I have ever known. Of course, the idea and knowledge of "alien" was common for the First Nations of turtle island. The reason for our planned genocide was because we had ancient knowledge that had been breed out of the people across the pond.