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Interesting article in the Boston Globe:

Leonard Nimoy: Do you even know who I am?
Mayor Quimby: Aren't you one of the Little Rascals?

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by jourgenson on March 22, 2001 at 10:13 AM]</font>
Great article...it's funny someone in a forum in a place far far away asked for an explanation of that saying....the resident expert and historian posted the following message that lists probably more information than anyone would want to know.

originally posted by Halon50
This will take a while to fully describe, especially since this AYBABTU (All Your Base Are Belong To Us) phenomenon keeps being declared "dead" every 15 minutes, yet it still persists.

The full history , complete with links to just about every dam AYBABTU site there is out there. Just read the history. If you want a plain text-only version (easier to read, but no hyperlinks), look over here on GameFaqs .

The collection of imagery and assorted silliness related to the AYBABTU phenomenon.

The source of the original "craze," which is remarkable, considering the company that made the dam game has long since gone out of business. Be sure to check out the "Wayne Newton" version of the AYBABTU intro before continuing.

The source of all those silly/stupid/inane/etc pictures . Good grief, it's up to 84 pages now.

The rock video . I saved this for (next-to) last because it's what started the media frenzy.

The music from the video . mp3.com pulled the song off for a little bit, but then reinstated it when they were told the company that made the game was long since bankrupt.

It's all downhill from there. Wired posted an article . Time Magazine put a blurb in along with the Photoshop'd cover (at this time, I took the AYBABTU crap off my signature). AYBABTU appeared in black-on-black text in the "super-secret" Doom 3 homepage ("view source" or drag your mouse around to highlight the text).

The rest can be gleaned from the histories. I'm sick of it already.


<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by orionpierre on March 22, 2001 at 10:25 AM]</font>