Americans Generally Approve Of Bush, Less Certain of Proposals


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
Wednesday, March 14, 2001
By Will Lester

WASHINGTON — More than half of Americans generally approve of the job President Bush is doing and agree with his plans for the budget surplus, says a new poll.

That support tends to slip away, however, when they're asked more specific questions on his proposals, from the fairness of his tax cut to the approval of drilling for oil and gas in the Arctic to the idea of giving government money to less mainstream religious groups, according to the CBS-New York Times poll.

The poll highlights public opinion trends that were evident through much of the presidential campaign — Americans tend to like Bush better than they like some of his policies.

For example, six in 10 approve of the job Bush is doing and almost that many say they approve of his plans for the surplus.

But when they're asked specifically about the fairness of his tax cut plan, 38 percent said it is fair to all Americans and 56 percent said it mostly benefits the rich. The split was about the same on whether or not people expect the tax cut to make a significant difference for them — 39 percent said it will and 54 percent said it would not.

By a 2-1 margin, people said that protecting the environment is more important than producing energy and almost six in 10 said they oppose drilling for oil and gas in the protected Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

By a 4-1 margin, people approve of mandatory testing to determine how well a school is doing. But when asked whether federal money should be taken from schools where students test poorly, people were opposed by more than two to one.

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"I'd like an order of fries, a quarter pounder with cheese, I love the light in your eyes, would you go out with me please? I am in love with a McDonald's Girl, she has a smile of innocence so tender and warm, she is an angel in a polyester uniform." - Barenaked Ladies
I'm a democrat. It's not that I don't like BUSH, but some of his Enviromental issues is going to be the end of us. If we don't get a grip on what's going on now there's no hope!!!! I want my kids to grow up without having to worry about "Is the water safe to drink?" Or "Do we need our gas masks today?" I know alot of people will diagree but, To me it's very important. We need to take a stand now!!!!!


Picture yourself in a boat on a river.
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies.
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,

I'm the girl with kaleidoscope eyes...........
As far as Bush's enviromental issues go...

yes, the world is warming up, but we have to take into consideration that mother nature is playing her part in it, Infact, this years sunspot activity is so high the we saw the northen lights clear down in Idaho. So ya, the weather is going to be warming up. What can the govt. do about it?

I don't live in a big city so mybe I'm clear in the letf field with this, check me if I'm wrong. What else could they possibly do to cut down on air polution? As much as we hate them, we need those factories. And to be able to register your car you have to cheak your car immusions. Car are being built more air freindly and public trasportation have improved a lot. I just don't see what more the goverment can do, or regulate to make it better. I suposes we could all go back to horse and buggie, but then we would have a diffent kind of polution

just thought I'd put in my two cents
