Another Attack?


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PF Member
Now that the US has attacked Afganistan, do you expect another terror attack on American soil?
Despite my optimistic nature, I absolutely expect another attack on American soil to happen before 2002.
I believe that it will happen. Not to the degree that it happened on the 11th, but the terrorists will strike back.
I don't think another attack on American soil is likely. They might try, but with the degree of hysteria at the moment, getting away with it won't be easy. Any suspicious-looking Arab, hell, probably any Arab, is going to have an eye kept on them. I think what's more likely is an attack on somewhere with slightly less security - perhaps France, Germany, or somewhere like that.
when i was watching the news yesterday.. i heard CNN saying that 90% of americans expected addtional terroist attacks as a response for our bombings.. and 90% of americans agreed with our bombings of afghan..
I still disagree. It's probable that there'll be an attempt of terrorism, but it'd be almost impossible to pull anything off on American soil with the present climate of fear.
Originally posted by PsychoticIckyThing
It's probable that there'll be an attempt of terrorism, but it'd be almost impossible to pull anything off on American soil with the present climate of fear.

I don't think so at all. It would be entirely too easy for them to release biological weapons. Take for instance the following scenario (ala 12 Monkeys): release an air-based contaminate at a busy place that is known to spread far and wide such as an airport. By the time any of the symptoms show up, it's entirely way too late to quarenteen. Or use a water based agent and spread it in a city's water supply. How likely is it for water plants to be guarded -- not likely at all. Or they could just contaminate a person and ship them into a heavily populated city. If the biological attacks start, it's game over.

Biological weapons are possible, but unlikely. They're simply too hard to produce, even for Bin Laden. I've heard they're successfully producing sarin gas, but I don't think they're capable of much more. Also, if the U.S. was to be attacked by biological weapons, Afghanistan would see a nuclear strike within hours..

<edit> speak of the devil, Bush and Vladimir Putin have agreed to move tactical nuclear weapons to the Chechen and Afghani borders in case of such a biological attack...</edit>
Originally posted by BRiT
How likely is it for water plants to be guarded -- not likely at all.

Actually, many water supplies are under heavy guard as a result of the attacks, and the high alert that Ashcroft ordered.
Access to areas around resevoirs and water treatment facilities is cut down heavily when the possiblity of contamination is high, such as now.
I've just changed my tune on this...I only just caught up on the events of the last week, and boy, a lot can change in a week...