Another Jackass copycat injured


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
AN 18-year-old was in critical condition after jumping from a five-story building in an apparent imitation of a stunt from the television show Jackass.

The youth was attempting to jump into a pool from the roof of a condominium when he missed, shattering both legs, police said.

Paul Smith, was in critical but stable condition Wednesday at a hospital in St Petersburg, Florida, according to the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office.

One friend was videotaping and five others were watching from below as Smith jumped. His legs and torso hit the ledge of the pool, and he tumbled into the water.

Three of his friends had previously jumped.

Sheriff's Office spokesman Steve Burns said the teens were trying imitate the movie and now-defunct MTV show Jackass, which featured crude stunts and gross-out antics.

"He's an 18-year-old and can make his own decisions," Burns told the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.

"I hope that everybody he sees on television or movie he wouldn't duplicate. To willfully do something like that and be injured, it makes you shake your head."

The show and the movie it inspired include a warning to not to try the stunts at home and they say the producers don't accept submissions. But several serious injuries have been linked to imitations.

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If only there was a smiley for :duhh: :rolleyes:

This is what happens when jackasses become ****es :banghead:
I've always thought about doing that when on holiday abroad..
We usually have a room directly above the pool, it'd certainly be a shortcut from messing around with elevators and stairs.

I wouldn't fancy shattering my legs though.. :oddgrin:
You see what type of people live here in Florida? I mean come on... And Mr. Burns was right, he is old enough to make his own decisions, so it is his own fault. I bet he knows it too...
no one who makes that kind of decisions is 'old enough' to make their own decisions. they should get everything they do approved by someone with a brain