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Another plant bites the dust


It's certainly much better to kick **** than to be
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This may be an all time record for me. I bought a small potted plant on Sunday at ShopRite. I was gonna buy cut flowers but this looked really pretty and it was only $3.99. Should have just tossed the $ in the trash.

**** thing was looking a little droopy yesterday and is totally wilted today. Did a little googling and I feel a little bit better after reading this...

"Cineraria is an annual plant that is grown from tiny seeds and usually done in a greenhouse environment because of the seedlings' intolerance for variations in the growing conditions. As a houseplant, the cineraria plant also has specific requirements to keep it happy."

Well apparently those conditions were not met on my kitchen island. :surrender:

This is what it's supposed to look like -


Guess I'll stick with cut flowers. Still have some from a bunch I bought over 2 weeks ago. Dumped some that were looking sad but these still looked good.

Me, pretty much. I stopped trying. Yesterday I was hiding in my garage & saw one lone little succulent in a pot that was miraculously still alive, so I brought it inside to kill it. :)
We killed two really hardy house plants that a friend left at our house when she went back to Malaysia for a visit. I blamed DH for watering them too much. LOL
:patback: well it looked pretty.

If it makes you feel any better, I've killed a few plants lately, plants that made it through both moves :pout: Gingerballs ate one of them (the spider plant). I know it was him, because I saw him walk away after barfing it up :girl:
It's nice to know I'm not the only plant killer here. I was really trying last year with lots of outdoor hanging baskets. Killed a bunch but a few made it until Fall and looked pretty good.

Growing up, we only had snake plants in the house. I'm guessing this black thumb runs in the family and they were just too ashamed to mention it. :giggles:
I won't tell you what we stick in the ground down here:snicker:....but,... let me tell you...a leaf falls... and it roots!!!
QUOTE from Joan...Guess I'll stick with cut flowers. Still have some from a bunch I bought over 2 weeks ago. Dumped some that were looking sad but these still looked good.[/QUOTE]
Tommorrow's Jewel ad has cut flowers for a $1.00 a bunch. We could send you some.:flowers:
Speaking of plants................what do peeps do with their month+ old poinsettias?
It's nice to know I'm not the only plant killer here. I was really trying last year with lots of outdoor hanging baskets. Killed a bunch but a few made it until Fall and looked pretty good.

Growing up, we only had snake plants in the house. I'm guessing this black thumb runs in the family and they were just too ashamed to mention it. :giggles:

I have a snake plant that bloomed this year. To my suprise after the blooms fell off the shoots berries appeared and they are still there. Not sure what to do with it.?
Speaking of plants................what do peeps do with their month+ old poinsettias?
I just watered mine after reading Joans post. I have 8. 2 will be put in the mulch pile tomorrow, cuz they are toast. There is a way to keep them alive and then rebloom with red leaves next Christmas but it is complicated. I think you have to keep them in the dark and in a cool temperature for a certain period of time.

I just water them and see how long I can keep them going. We have one at work that is over a year old.
I just watered mine after reading Joans post. I have 8. 2 will be put in the mulch pile tomorrow, cuz they are toast. There is a way to keep them alive and then rebloom with red leaves next Christmas but it is complicated. I think you have to keep them in the dark and in a cool temperature for a certain period of time.

I just water them and see how long I can keep them going. We have one at work that is over a year old.

Good to know...............mebbe I'll put mine in the basement for a while.

Good to know...............mebbe I'll put mine in the basement for a while.


Some infamous words form the "Helpful Gardener"

Poinsettias bloom in response to shortening daylight hours. If you wish to coax your poinsettia to bloom in time for the holidays, you will need to put the plant in total darkness for at least twelve hours (fourteen is better) each night for approximately ten weeks (this also applies to forcing Christmas Cacti to bloom). Late September or early October is a good time to begin this regimen. You can place your plant inside a box, a cupboard, or a closet to achieve complete darkness. Be sure to bring your plant out during the day and place it in a bright, sunny spot. After it flowers, gradually decrease the water until the bracts all drop, then allow the plant to dry out completely (like many of the euphorbias, this is a desert plant). Store in a place with cooler temperatures (50 degrees); remember we are trying to recreate a Mexican Winter, so a 50 degree basement or garage makes a fine location.

When it really begins to warm up again (Late May for us, but just so long as you're around 50 degree evenings), repot your mummy in the same pot with fresh soil and start to water again (we stopped gradually and that's a good way to start) and fertilize (also gradually). Around August, cut the plant back by a third and make a decision. Do we want bushy with small flowers or shrubby with big flowers (my pick)? If we choose the latter we cut the plant back to three to five stems and grow it out (remember gloves if you have sensitive skin). A poinsettia can look quite lovely when planted with foliage plants with contrasting leaf color, shape, and/or size. Don’t prune your plant any later than September, however, if you wish to force it to bloom for Christmas.
Poinsettia Care

Poinsettias like lots of bright, indirect sunlight and prefer humid conditions (so you may want to mist your plant if your home is very dry due to heating or climate). As for watering, let the soil dry out between watering. The soil should be dry to the touch. Also, be sure not to let the plants pot stand in water at the plants base or saucer(A layer of pebbles in the bottom of the tray keeps the plant out of the water and increases the humidity around the plant). Poinsettias are sensitive to extreme temperature, so don’t place your plant next to a heater or near a drafty window or doorway. A daytime temp of around 65 degrees and nights around 60 degrees will provide perfect conditions for your poinsettia. Whitefly can sometimes be a pest for this plant; check your purchase closely. If you pick it up, and things fly, and they're white, well, there it is. Pretty easily taken care of with insecticidial soap or my favorite indoor pesticide, pyrethrine (made of daisies; it's organic and safe if you don't drink it).

HTH. And thanks I got 8SB for the search
Speaking of plants................what do peeps do with their month+ old poinsettias?

We keep ours--my dh is really good with plants and we have huge beautiful poinsettias that all started as post holiday cast off--we have a couple that are three or four years old. They turn green and most people don't actually realize they are poinsettias until winter when they turn red or white again. It's actually funny people will ask what kind of plant it is and when we tell them, they kind of step back and look and then go--oh yeah, that is what it is.:lol:
ISUcoupongrad thanks, but I'm not in the mood to read that much right now.
Speaking of plants................what do peeps do with their month+ old poinsettias?

Shockingly, mine still look good. One looks better than the other, but they're both still hanging in there.

Not sure how that happened. :giggles:

I bought them at Costco about a week after Thanksgiving. They're huge. I have them on the living room floor in front of the picture window. I guess the sun has helped a lot.
I have a snake plant that bloomed this year. To my suprise after the blooms fell off the shoots berries appeared and they are still there. Not sure what to do with it.?

Well apparently we weren't doing the whole snake plant thing right. I never remember any blooms or berries. Just long green stalks. :giggles:
I'm glad I misread that! I thought it was titled "Another PLANET bites the dust." I was thinking they downgraded another planet. I still haven't gotten over losing Pluto! LOL
I'm glad I misread that! I thought it was titled "Another PLANET bites the dust." I was thinking they downgraded another planet. I still haven't gotten over losing Pluto! LOL


Sorry, didn't mean to alarm anyone. :giggles: