There wouldn't be a little bit of bias on that site, would there?
I know Israel's not angelic, but in this present conflict, they have the right to defend themselves. In the past, they've committed some nasty stuff, such as in Lebanon.
Every single day, Israelis are being murdered by Palestinian terrorists. Not a week goes by without 10 or so deaths. When Israel strikes back, it's at the terrorist organisations responsible and their headquarters. Occasionally, someone is killed through bombing misses. The US is no better. Yasser Arafat continues to order the massacres of hundreds of innocent Israelis, and never abides by any peace accords. Every single time Arafat detains a terrorist, they are let go within weeks.
If Arafat and the Palestinian Authority were indeed serious, they would detain the terrorists, and shut down Hamas and the other terrorist infrastructures. But Arafat has shown time and time again that he is not serious about peace, and is simply a murderer.
There is a difference between walking into a cafe with a machinegun and killing everyone, and accidentally blowing up a house next to a military headquarters.
Ariel Sharon IS a war criminal, for what he did in Lebanon, not in this intifada. But Arafat, too, is a war criminal, for the indiscriminate murder of hundreds of Israeli civilians, simply because they -were- Israeli.