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Are you addicted to Internet ?


Established Talker
PF Member
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Ask anyone if they are addicted to their smartphone or laptop, and most probably the answer will be a resounding "NO" !
But the fact is, virtual network has taken over most lives and made social networking among the top three addiction affecting urban youths, besides smoking and drinking.

What the Internet Addiction is ?
Internet Addiction is defined as any online related, compulsive behavior that makes the internet a priority over than family, friends and work. Internet addiction has been called internet dependency and Internet compulsivity.

Test your dependency, you are an Online Junkie if you meet any five of the following symptoms.

  • Do you often think about previous online activity or anticipate next online session ?
  • Do you feel the need to use internet with increasing amount of time ?
  • Have you repeatedly made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back or stop internet use ?
  • Do you feel restless, moody, depressed or irritable when attempting to cut down internet use ?
  • Do you stay online longer than originally intended ?
  • Have you jeopardized or risked the loss of significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of the internet ?
  • Have you lied to family, therapist or other to conceal the extent of involvement of internet ?
  • Do you use the internet as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving a dysphoric mood e.g. feeling of helplessness, guilty, anxiety, depression ?
Other symptoms include :

  • [*=1]Failed attempts to control behavior.[*=1]Heightened sense of euphoria while involved in computer and internet activities.[*=1]Neglecting sleep, friends and family.[*=1]Being dishonest with others.[*=1]Feeling guilty, anxious or depressed.[*=1]Physical changes such as weight gain/loss, back-ache, headache etc.[*=1]Withdrawing from other pleasurable activities.

Ask yourself the above questions one by one and answer them being honest, count each yes as 1 and if you score more than 4 then you are highly addicted to internet.

My score is 9~X(
14 here. OMG. I never thought I was so addicted, I know I am on it ALL day EVERY day.
Don't even think I need to read this to myself, because I know the answer is yes.
Yes. I'm addicted. :)
That's a broad statement. I'm addicted to spending time online listening to music, browsing, and chatting to others.
Im not on the Internet alot; just when I am bored or need too
Im not on the Internet alot; just when I am bored or need too
Same here. Boredom sucks, but that's also what music is for. Youtube keeps me entertained as well. What are some of your favorite internet sites - that keep you entertained?
Same here. Boredom sucks, but that's also what music is for. Youtube keeps me entertained as well. What are some of your favorite internet sites - that keep you entertained?
I'd like to say 5 words...

Boredum sucks is my saying

Also If I am on; its normally for a reason because of College work and work in general; When you have time you don't know what to do
I'd like to say 5 words...

Boredum sucks is my saying

Also If I am on; its normally for a reason because of College work and work in general; When you have time you don't know what to do
Ya, boredom really sucks that's why when I chat on online forums and listen to music, my boredom is cured.
I get more addicted to video games rather than the internet itself.
- I'd have to get a real job.
- I'd have started my own company.
- A lot harder to find a job.
- I'd still be playing games.

Worst of all, I'd be deeper in financial depression by now.

But a girl that I knew was stupid to even understand that fact.
I'd have to say yes, I'm an addict for sure lol
I don't need to take the test :D

I am an internet junkie, haha. I shop online, pay bills online, bank online, go to college online, have over 50 websites, when at home if not sleeping I am on my computer and when im away from my computer, I am on my droid's computer >_<

But, I didn't grow up on computers :) so I am having fun dag nabbit!

However, I am still a country boy and can easily push computers away to go fish, muddin or something of that nature and if technology were to fail, oh well, it was fun while it lasted :)
I spend a lot of time online, so probably would say yes. I can go without it for a few days though.
I truley accept that i am addicted to Internet in visiting Forum. Thats made me to make my own forum for forum lovers like me.