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Are you over 50?


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Are you over the age of 50 and still active in sports? If so, which sports do you play?
Are you over the age of 50 and still active in sports? If so, which sports do you play?

Im not no, but my neighbour is in his 60s an still runs marathons frequently. He could outrun me without even breaking a sweat. Pretty awesome to be honest.
I'm exactly half the age of 50 but my Dad is 52 and he is an inspiration to me. He plays squash twice a week, he cycles and he runs. He is probably fitter than me, I aim to be like him when I am his age.
I'm exactly half the age of 50 but my Dad is 52 and he is an inspiration to me. He plays squash twice a week, he cycles and he runs. He is probably fitter than me, I aim to be like him when I am his age.

I like to hear stories like your Dads. I think the longer we stay active the healthier we will be and the more we will enjoy our lives!
Im not no, but my neighbour is in his 60s an still runs marathons frequently. He could outrun me without even breaking a sweat. Pretty awesome to be honest.

Wow! That is very awesome! He must be in great shape to be able to run marathons.
I'm 50 and I play volleyball and basketball a few times a month; to sweat, just to keep fit. Nothing more than an hour of dribbling, shooting and running. Feels good to still be able to hold the ball in my hand and throw it!
I'm not but I do have lots of respect for anyone who is and is still active
I'm 50 and I play volleyball and basketball a few times a month; to sweat, just to keep fit. Nothing more than an hour of dribbling, shooting and running. Feels good to still be able to hold the ball in my hand and throw it!

Good for you! I think that is terrific!
I’m 55 and husband will be 56 in two weeks. I piddle around on the mountain bike a little, go hiking with husband and stepsons occasionally, and chase our 150-pound dog up, down, and around the block.

Husband is an extreme fanatic mountain biker -- he likes week-long trips to Utah’s Rim, and occasionally takes off to Maine for some pretty rough camping/downhilling weekends.

He also plays ultimate frisbee with his sons, and occasionally sneaks off to shoot some hoops at the Navy rec center. Once in awhile he’ll run into a few of those young whippersnapper Squid jocks playing extreme frisbee at the rec center, and they always invite him to join them.

Oh -- and nobody I’ve ever met -- young or old -- can best that old guy at hackysack.
I am nowhere close to 50 but I am active in many sports. I hope to be active in many sports at that age though!
Respect for anyone over 50 who actively plays physically demanding sports. Most of the 50+ year old people I've seen are out of shape and don't indulge in any form of physical activity whatsoever.
I'm 29 years away. I can't even image being at that age. It's a scary thought sometimes. I wonder where I will be in life.
I'm not but my father is and he's very fit for his age. Works out everyday although obviously not very intense and he also goes mountain biking quite often along with playing tennis usually at least once every weekend. Hopefully by the time I'm his age I'll be as fit as he his.
I am 51 years old. I used to be very active with running, a lot of fast pace walking and treadmills. I have had knee problems for about 5 years now and had a knee replacement done about 4 years ago. I no longer can walk long distances like I did back 5 years ago. I can't run any longer. I know that a lot of people can do this after their knee replacement, but I can't. The Precor elliptical is awesome and helps my knee feel much better after using this. The elliptical is about the only active thing I can comfortably do plus some bike riding.
I am a fresh 18 since January lol I don't play any sports anymore but I use to play basketball until my Junior year I quit after like 13 years of playing
I'm not even close to my 50s, but my neighbor, same here, is in his 40s, but runs marathons and jogs everyday. I'm surprised that someone at this age can still be motivated and active. It's great to see people at this age participate so much.
I'm not. but I see a lot of old people over 50's still hitting the gym and to be honest they are doing really good :) I respect old people who are still trying to be healthy and do sports.
I'm 24, but there's a soccer team in my neighborhood and the players are over 40. They get together every saturday and sometimes I go watch them :) It's fun!