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Asus p3v4x and AGP


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Does anyone know if the p3v4x has and 1/2 agp modifier? I have a G400max and am thinking about purchasing the Asus along with a PIII 550e. Anyone having problems running this setup over 133 fsb?
Yes, it certainly does. I'm receiving this board in a few days, and have a G400 MAX as well.

So far, I'm using my 600e on a P3B-F and can run Windows at 800 (133FSB), and most of my 3D games are functional, with the exception of UT.
Hopefully, the P3V4X will clear that up.

Serendipity is looking for a needle in a haystack and finding the farmer's daughter.
Hmm.. so you are having some problems running a few 3d games? The setup I currently have is celery 366 oc'd to 550, bh6 and g400max. Haven't had any issues so far. Maybe I will hold off on the 550e (the asus is already on it's way

Have you narrowed the UT problem down to the
P3B-F itself?

[Edited by grim57 @ April 26, 2000 (edited 1 time)]
So far, I've tested NFS:HS, Q3A, UT and Half-Life with the system running at 800. The only game that doesn't work is UT. All of the others work fine.
Initially, UT gave video corruption when it hit the video intro. Now that I changed the slotket from a generic to an MSI 6905 Master, the video doesn't corrupt. However, I get about 1.5 seconds of the intro video before it locks up.

I have not been able to narrow the problem to the P3B-F, since the issue doesn't appear to be consistent. However, the most likely suspect is the BX chipset's lack of the 1:2 ratio, since the AGP bus is the only thing that's being run out of spec, with the exception of the CPU. Since the CPU is chugging Prime95 happily (I just wish I understood exactly what it's chugging), and it runs Windows and all of the other aforementioned games, I think it's safe to assume that the CPU is not the culprit.

I do know that plenty of people are running their P3V4X up to 150 fsb. One of the nice features of the Apollo Pro 133A is the ability to modify the speeds that you run your memory at. Since the 1:2 ratio is supported, pushing it to 150 would yield an AGP bus running at 75, which is within reasonable limits. FWIW, when running my FSB lower than 133, I don't have video problems.

Serendipity is looking for a needle in a haystack and finding the farmer's daughter.
Thanks a bunch for the info. It does sound like AGP is the culprit in your case. It is running at 99 right? I have heard that the G400max can be sketchy when running at higher agp speeds, which was the why I posted originally.

Since I am running an oc'd celery at 100 FSB, I haven't had to deal with these issues. I suppose my only other concerns would be the pci slots. I read that scsi,network card etc. can be affected, but not to worry. Should I? I run an aha2940uw and a seagate harddrive.
With my fsb running at 133, using the 2:3 AGP ratio, my AGP should be running at 89-90, not 99. Considering that spec is 66, that's way overclocked.

I wouldn't worry too much about the PCI bus. If you get to 133, it should knock the PCI bus back down to 33, which is spec. At least, it does that on my P3B-F.
I haven't had any problems with my NIC (Linksys PCI 10/100), and my SCSI devices seem to be cooperating (Diamond Fireport 40 Dual), but in some cases, I am seeing some issues with my SCSI CD-ROMs. I tend to think they're software related.

I'll explain...
I have a Plextor UltraPlex 32x, a Pioneer 303s, and a S&F CD-Rocket (soon to be replaced by a PlexWriter 12/4/32).
Currently, I have no problems with this setup when running at 100 fsb. When I bump it to 124, I start getting some strange instances, especially when trying to rip mp3s using DAE. Using MusicMatch, I get an error trying to read digital, so it reverts to analog. Using AudioCatalyst, one drive will always be problematic, while the other will allow me to rip in DAE.
The weird part is that, when using AudioCatalyst, the problematic drive is constantly changing after reboots. Yesterday, the drive that worked was the Pioneer and ripping from the Ultraplex gave only static. After I rebooted, the Ultraplex worked, and the Pioneer gave only static.
It's completely random and bizarre.

The reason I think it's software related is because both will work when the want to in the various programs, so the hardware does not seem at fault. I think it may be that the software is having issues translating the signal from the SCSI bus when it's overclocked.

More weirdness... When running at 133 fsb, the PCI bus goes back to spec, but the issues I described above still exist.

Serendipity is looking for a needle in a haystack and finding the farmer's daughter.

[Edited by Diesel Dan @ April 27, 2000 (edited 1 time)]
oops, my bad. At 133, your agp should be running around 90, I donno why I was thinking it was a 3/4 modifier instead of 2/3. Must have been a brain fart.

That is bizarre! Though, from what you decribed, I am thinking the problem may lie in the hardware, esp since it is happening with both Musicmatch and Audiocatalyst. Does the issue still exist at 100FSB? Even though PCI is back in spec at 133FSB, maybe your scsi card just doesn't like it. I am not familier with the Diamond Fireport though.

Hopefully my Cheetah and Ultraplex won't start acting up. That is, if I decide to get 550e and can find one in stock at a good price. (I guess it is a good thing that I couldn't find the tyan tiger 133, since I am having a hard time finding even 1 PIII) Sticking in my celery 366 seems like such a waste though
I can't get MusicMatch to work with DAE at all. It does work with AudioCatalyst, but only one one of the two drives. I do not have these issues when running at 100 fsb.

BTW, the Diamond Fireport 40 Dual is a Symbios-based Dual Channel UW SCSI card.