Baby Alien found


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
So, what you think of this?

I personally think it was a bad formation of the body. I mean we see it everyday: kids with bad formations either to the body or skull or whatever. THere's even a disease that prevents the skeleton to develop and the kid eventually dies. I don't know. That skeleton is not recent and we know that the human body has suffered modifications as we evolved. We could have been like thta. I dont know.

It says in the article DNA testing found it to be human, it's definitely not alien.
Kinda strange the skeleton was only 6 inches long though.
Like the doctor said in the article, I think it's human as well. It could have been a midget or what not, there are a lot of deformed bodies especially when parents do drugs and alcohol when the baby is still in the mothers stomach.