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Back to school-Yuck or Yeah. Please 'splain


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Yuck. I work full time so I always felt like my time with my 3 DD was cut in half. I work 12 hour nights now but there was a time that I worked 10 8hour days in 2 weeks. That was murder and I would cry so often at work. And when they were small I would always have something fun planned to do and I am so thankful that they remember those days fondly. Now my DD are older and one is in college but stays local. My kids are my life and I know I need to branch out more but I miss them when I am not with them even if it is just watching TV on the couch. But going back to school is definately a Yuck for me.
Yuck. I'm a teacher. :lol:

But really, I've so enjoyed the time with my kids this summer. I'm not looking forward to going back to the rigid, busy schedule that leaves us practically no family time (except dinner) during the week.
Yeah!!!!! 8 year old and 3 year old (both boys) fight constantly!!!! Looking forward to some peace and quiet. Even get the 3 year old off to pre-school 2 days a week
Both! Yay because I broke my foot and kids are driving me nuts. Sucks because I have to go back to work at a school and worried about doing it with a broken foot. These next two weeks are really going to test my already non-existent patience!
Yeah! I work from home most days and it's hard trying to keep DS busy and trying to get work done.
I love school! We home school and I love teaching my kids. I love having a routine, and because we home school I can be flexible if we need to. However, as much as I love teaching them and spending time with them, my 8 year old is severely ADHD. I would love to be able to have someone - someone who really cares about him take him sometimes and do good things with him. His grandparents might have him over on occasion (they hesitate where they would take the others more readily because he is ......well, a handful), but even then no one does anything any "good" with him. There is no one else who takes the time to let him read to them or discuss anything that he does. We started school on Monday, and while overall I love it, I am also close to pulling out my hair at times.
Both. Yeah cause they do drive me crazy sometimes and Yuck because we didn't do as much as we usually do. I blame the f'ing hot weather all f'ing summer!!! :ranting:

I am NOT looking forward to the routine and school crap. I'm really worried about the teachers my boys are going to have. It could go fine, but I worry that it won't.
Both. I have that driving problem with my oldest (another thread), but they need something to do and I'm not the entertainment committee!

I've also been working 10-2 and all they do when I'm gone is sleep or play xbox. I'm tired of coming home to a messy kitchen. When school starts, I will have a clean kitchen from 9am until 3pm! I'll have to get out of bed earlier though.
Yuck. I didn't hang out with them enough this summer. DD18 is leaving for college, DD14 doesn't like to hang out with me. :lol:
Yuck! I work at a school, so I go back when my kids do. I used to love BTS, now that I work the same schedule not lovin it so much.

I feel like we were cheated out of summer this year. It was just too hot to get out and enjoy.
Yuck - Me and DS had a blast this summer, I like hanging out with him.
We did a lot of Groupon stuff. The bummer part was the weather, it was to freaking hot to go Great America as much as we would have wanted to.
:( at what age did your kids want to stop hanging our with you?
I know it's healthly that they stop but it's sad.
my DD14 also does not like to hang out wit me!

Mine do most days I just tell them there is free stuff in their future if they hang out with me so we can get more stuff with the coupons I have plus I have a car and credit card so that makes them like me more. :lol:
Yuck, I love having them at home--not dealing with homework, not dealing with making sure they go to bed on time, making sure they have a good breakfast before school--
I LOVE LOVE LOVE being home and doing FUN FUN FUN things with them
I am NOT NOT NOT looking forward to school starting--it is happening way to soon!!!!
Yuck! DH is a teacher and works in a very stressful environment. Makes him crabby, thus making me crabby. Another year of fighting and misery............sigh................
I LOVE DD, BUT she is bored because we haven't had much extra cash(so what else is new) and I can only play so many games of cards w/her, etc. etc. and she gets bored of TV after awhile and we couldn't have friends over to the house while DH was working since he worked nights and slept during the day so it has been a LONG summer...plus I too work from home a lot and DD doesn't get that when I am on the computer for work I really need to focus on it. So I am glad school is starting soon. She REALLY needs to go back and FWIW she will be 8 and already ditches us if a friend calls and wants her to come over!
We are going to start making lapbooks for the first time this year. I'm excited about these and want to share. These would be great even for kids in traditional schools if you are looking for something fun and educational to do with your kids (maybe you wouldn't have time during the school year - IDK - but over vacation time or next summer). I used to teach 6th grade and I think these would be great as alternative type assessments for teachers to use in traditional schools too. Kids love (well, a lot of kids) to be creative. I was originally looking at this for my 5 year old.6. Then I thought maybe this might be good for my 8 year old (ADHD). However, my 10 year old is extremely creative and no way he could be left out of this.
Here are some links.
This flower one is awesome, but almost too planned and complex for a preschooler. It looks more like something for a learning center (that the teacher made), but I do find it inspirational as I am trying to figure these out.

