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In the depths of oblivion.
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Do you take care of yourself like you should? Be honest.

I don't. I know I should take better care of myself, but it's hard with my schedule. I eat way too much sweet stuff and processed food and I don't take vitamins like I should. Before I got mono, I was getting 3 hours or less of sleep each night and now, I still don't get enough, but 5-6 hours a night is better than what I was getting. Plus, I drink waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too much Dr. Pepper. :/
I don't look after myself as I should but I'm trying to fix it. I started exercising and as much as I hate it, I'm going to have to eat more fruit and vegetables ;_;
I do take vitamins though :)
I eat a lot of microwave meals as I'm normally too lazy to cook. I don't take vitimins or eat a balanced diet. My sleeping pattern is completely out of whack. I first went to sleep at about 8am this morning. I also drink too much Dr. Pepper - but it's so good!
I don't like soda, nor do I eat lots of fast food. Where I fault is that I sometimes spend hours without eating; and the little things which I do are either white bread, chocolate or other things which aren't sufficient enough to feed me properly.
I have lots of cellullite, although I am conscious I have nice curves and an even body which makes me minimally elegant. I've been wanting to start a new sort of nutrition and tomorrow I might go exercise outside in the morning (walking in a fast motion, for more than half an hour) with my mom. Hopefully it will reduce the cellulite if I keep the walking as a habit...
I'm already a medical wreck. I don't see the point in actively looking after myself. I get along fine as it is.
Not really no. I exercise like once or twice a week and eat loads of junk food. I have the occasional vitamin tablet and I've tried to drink more but I don't think I'm as healthy as I could be.
Why take vitamins when you can eat food with those same vitamins?
I don't really. I have back problems, feet problems and just general problems. XD
Nope, definitely not.
I'm kinda past the point of caring right now. Health isn't a top priority to me at the moment.
I eat crap, I'm probably dehydrated 99% of the time simply 'cause I forget to drink, and exercise just doesn't happen :p
I take care of myself. I eat well and train most days. I compete in Olympic weightlifting at national level, I played football and Gaelic football until I was 17, and I was called up for a trial to the Irish under 16 football team. You could say I'm in decent shape.
I neither eat fast food, nor drink a lot of soda. I have an odd sleep schedule, but I usually get 7-10 hours of sleep. I don't exercise much, although I'm not an athlete so it's kinda hard to actually give a crap.

I'm a lot healthier than I was last year, although that's mostly because I'm not as stressed out anymore.
I don't think I do... or at least I haven't up until this point. We had a guest stay with us and he literally only wanted to eat junk food and of course we ended up eating junk food and basically I gained a lot of weight and simply felt sick after eating. I wasn't really taking care of myself before that, but it really gave me a wake up call and I really want to lose the weight, get healthy and get fit. I am having more controlled meals because I am actually teaching myself how to cook proper food rather than just having frozen pizza every night, also I've put away all chips except for corn chips with salsa and/or guacamole. I really want to learn how to make delicious, healthy meals but I rarely get the chance. My mom will be gone for a month in the end of August so that will let me experiment around the kitchen.
Also after hating seafood for so long I am finally warming up to it, so I'm going to give that a shot too.

Basically, no, I do not take care of myself... but I am trying to change that.
I'm pretty lazy as far as diet and exercise go. Not that I'm a couch potato, but more that I don't put special effort towards either. I don't drink or smoke and avoid junk food as much as possible, and prefer water instead of soft drinks or caffeine; I spend a lot of time walking or cycling everywhere and practicing as a circus performer tends to keep me physically active. I am however at an impass where I realize that in order to get to the level of fitness I want, I'm going to have to put down a concrete diet and have a consistent exercise routine. It's mostly the diet that's the sticking point for me as I'm not the best at cooking.