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Black Hole Swallows Star, First Time Caught on Film [PHOTOS & VIDEO]


Legend Of The Universe
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Topeka, Kansas
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Caught on film for the first time ever, scientists captured a black hole swallowing a star during the onset using the Swift satellite.
This is the first time for scientists using the Swift satellite to see the process in its entirety during the onset, as they normally only are able to snap photos of the aftermath, flares of ultraviolet and gamma rays that radiate for years during consumption of the star.
"Now we've seen the start of this event for the first time," co-author David Burrows of Pennsylvania State University, said to Space.com.
The Swift satellite caught an unusual view of bright gamma rays gusting from outside the galaxy in March from constellation Draco, which lasted for two days. The atypical views prompted a closer look by scientists.
"This was the first time we saw one of these big black holes going from quiet and silent to very loud and noisy, producing a lot of light and radiation," author Davide Lazzati of North Carolina State University said in a statement to The Los Angeles Times.
The flare originated from a relativistic jet directly after the black hold consumed the star, Swift J1644+57, most likely caused by a gravitation build-up of gravity estimated at one million times the mass of the sun.


check out this link for more pictures :)
Nice, but I wish they had included some actual footage of the event. It's all computer graphics! ;)
Science Magazine has another article that says that (this or) a similar event on March 25 emitted an x-ray burst.

artist's rendering of the event:


The article also links to some of the data from the event. Looks like charts is all they have, that's why there's no image yet (they'd probably first have to put the data into visible form somehow).