Boeing 747


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
Did you see it?

The new itself is on description.

To me, this was a stall . And stalls usually occur when the pilot is a noob.
Everyone who plays simulators know that the nose must be up to a ceratin degree. Any more degrees and the plan stall causing it to crash

Stall : Operationally, a stall happens when you slow the airplane down and increase the angle of attack over the wing so it is no longer producing lift. Student pilots practice doing them so they know how to get out.

So, stalling while you're taking off... Not a smart idea.

We have to wait untill the black box is analyzed but i truly believe it was the pilot's fault.

Plus, for those who understand about planes, 747 is a bit hard to manouver as it takes a bit for the plane respond to your command. That little bit may be what caused the plane to crash