Bomb threats clear Texas, N. Dakota state campuses


Legend Of The Universe
PF Member
The University of Texas at Austin and North Dakota State University have ordered campus buildings evacuated because of bomb threats.
"Immediately evacuate ALL buildings and get as far away as possible," the University of Texas at Austin says on its website.

Update at 11:31 a.m. ET: North Dakota State U. orders all employees, students off campus after receiving bomb threat, the Associated Press reports.

Update at 11:14 a.m. ET: KXAN-TV reports that the university's Director of Communications, Rhonda Weldon, says the university got a call around 8:35 a.m. local time from a male with a middle eastern accent claiming to have placed bombs all over campus.
The caller claimed to be from the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization and that the bombs would go off in 90 minutes, KXAN reports..
President Williams Powers has been notified, and officials arenow evacuating all of the buildings out of an abundance of caution.

Update at 11:12 a.m. ET:A UT official tells the American-Statesman that the university had received multiple bomb threats to multiple buildings.

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An Al-Qaeda member? Gah...

Recently, there was a new US movie announced that ridicules prophet Muhammad (currently, the creator of the movie, a Jew, has refrained from distributing it yet) ... not sure if you heard about that, but a few days ago, the US ambassador in Libya was murdered b/c of that, along with some of his staff while they were trying to evacuate the embassy. The US has sent some warships into the region of Libya. Extremely faithful Muslims all over the world are enraged about that movie, so it could be that Muslims living in the US are enraged as well, and might overreact to the situation.
Recently, there was a new US movie announced that ridicules prophet Muhammad (currently, the creator of the movie, a Jew, has refrained from distributing it yet) ... not sure if you heard about that, but a few days ago, the US ambassador in Libya was murdered b/c of that, along with some of his staff while they were trying to evacuate the embassy. The US has sent some warships into the region of Libya. Extremely faithful Muslims all over the world are enraged about that movie, so it could be that Muslims living in the US are enraged as well, and might overreact to the situation.
I'm away of the video, but I never watched it. I heard about the ambassador getting killed, and us sending warships and 50 Marines over there.
OMG, this sucks so bad, I couldn't stand to watch it, after a few minutes I had to turn off.

All this media attention will only hype this crap of a "movie" and if it ever comes to the cinema, people will probably want to see it (b/c it's a "comedy" similar to Borat, only about Islam).

Here in Germany, it is being discussed whether to prohibit public screening of the "movie" in the name of public safety to prevent riots (we have a significant proportion of our population that is Muslim), but it's not sure if that's even possible b/c of current law. We have several laws that could be used to prevent public screening, for example "ridicule of belief systems" ("Beschimpfung von Bekenntnissen" -- never heard about that one, but interesting), "inciting of riots aimed at another (group of) people" ("Volksverhetzung" -- that was what the Nazis did in the 3rd Reich when they incited riots against the Jews), and others, but we also have freedom of speech. I hope the government is making a wise decision. We have many Muslims here, and we don't want them to riot over this garbage of a "movie."

I only hope that Muslims in Germany (and all across the world) will choose the path of the legal system, and not the path of violence.