I prefer physical books. But because I'm broke, I have to go to Half-Price Books to get the bulk of them. Unless I REALLY can't wait to read it and my search for the books go sour at every Half-Price Books I know of, then I'll go to a bookstore. I say that as though I have options, in truth there is only one and they've basically dug their own graves.
Goodbye my beloved books. *cries*
Well, anyway, I love the feel, smell, and sensation of reading a physical book. Plus if I stare at a screen for too long, my head and eyes start hurting and I get a headache. Unless it's something I just can't find otherwise, fanfiction, or erotic fiction then I don't read it off any sort of computer screen. That said, I still do most of my reading on a computer since I have a serious problem with fanfiction and erotic fiction. The latter of which i see no point in paying for, esp. when it's probably not near as good and wont cater to my highly disturbed kinks anyway. That and I'd have to hide it, if people found out I'd just get nigh-constant looks of shame and disgrace. So somethings are better left on the computer.
But for non-smutty things, I much prefer physical books. Although if it's some story on fictionpress or something, I'll read that.
I'm not opposed to reading on electronic devices, although it's not what i prefer, but I'm not gonna pay for an electronic copy of something. I feel like i can't get truly involved then. It's like I'm looking at the story, separated by a window. When I read a physical book I can touch it, smell it, interact more with it by physically turning the pages (as opposed to absentmindedly scrolling through it). It's like reading a physical copy keeps me more invested and alert of the story. Sadly, even with a good story, i get bored quickly. So those little actions help to keep me invested and work off my twitchiness I get when i read.
That and, sure a tablet is more convenient for many reasons, but when the apocalypse eventually happens and electronic devices no longer work in the long run then it'll be lovers of physical books who'll have all the literature at their disposal. Personally, jokes aside, that's also why I don't like reading on a tablet or storing books on there. Despite the convenience, it's still just data which you lose access to if you lose power. Meanwhile, if my books are to be truly lost then you'd have to burn them or rip them to tiny shreds.
Of course, Manga is perhaps one exception. I'm fine buying it, but only if I can't find it online. Otherwise, I'm reading it online! I'm not made of money you know! Fuuuuuuu!