California's current power crisis


Expert Talker
PF Member
I don't know if there has been a topic started about this or not, so i'll just start one....
well, i'm sure by now everyone has heard about california's power crisis. Some of you may have also heard that Clinton wanted to force other states to sell its extra power to California. Well, what do you think about it?
Personally, I think that California needs to find a way to deal with it themselves. Other states shouldn't sell them anything. Really, i believe that it is the conversationalists' faults. They opposed building more power plants. But, California uses lots and lots of power. So, it's there own fault, in my opinion. I don't have anything againsts conversationalists, but sometimes they may go a bit too far. Businesses and the like need that power. Oh well.

oh well, spaghettio's
I'm assuming you mean "conservationists"...

Anyway, we DO need to preserve what we have..people are too concerned with consuming and "gimme gimme gotta have what I want right now". Yes it sucks that they're having power problems, and if other states do have extra power, why not sell it to them? But I don't think there's a need to build more power plants. A lot of those places in Silicon Valley will be out of business in another year or so and won't need that power anymore.

At least most Californians don't have to worry about freezing to death...
*bows head in shame*
yes, i did mean conservationists. you know, been studying for midterms, don't know where my head is... just popped anything in that started with 'con-'

oh well, spaghettio's
The problem is that the natural gas companies didn't resuplly their stock for the past 2 years. Usually they stock up every summer, but since the winters had been so mild, natural gas prices were at rock bottom and it didn't make economical sense for them to go get more. They thought they had enough, because they thought it would be another mild winter, but the winter has been quite harsh this year and they weren't ready for it. So there isn't an natural gas.
The other problem is that there is a cap on what the power companies can charge the consumers. If they would raise that cap it would keep the power companies from going out of business.

But watch out, if the power goes out in Cali, you'll see riots like you wouldn't believe! This happened in new york city a little while back and there were riots for like 3 days.

System.out.println("Signature coming soon");
Here's a couple other words to bander about - conservatives and conglomerates...

One of the biggest beneficiaries of the California power crisis is a Texas energy conglomerate that more than any other single company has helped bankroll President Bush's political career.

Enron Corp. of Houston is among a handful of a new generation of independent electric power brokers and producers that have reaped giant revenue increases from California's power shortages and higher natural gas prices nationwide.

The new president's rejection of price controls to hold down soaring electricity costs in the Golden State reflects the views of Enron, the largest wholesaler of electricity and largest owner of natural gas pipelines in North America.

It appears as though businesses *are* the ones who "need that power".

My knob tastes funny.

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Well, I certainly am not in favor of helping out Bush and his cronies. But, it would also be hard to support California
. What a dilema...

my eyes, the goggles do nothing