Call the police, or no?


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So, I usually don't ask for advice or anything.
This is my first time asking for advice on a public forum in years, so bear with me, okay?
This is a part of the reason why I've been so absent here. I've really been struggling with this and I have no idea what to do.

So, some backstory, I was abused by my aunt's boyfriend, (who I called "uncle") years ago. And I mean this happened like, twelve or so years ago. I don't remember the days it happened, or where we were exactly. I just remember the actual abuse. So this happened, like I said, years ago. Since then, my aunt and her boyfriend split up and no one has seen him since. Apparently he's had a few run-ins with the law and has been lying to us about his personal information.

So, here's my dilemma:
I am currently in therapy with a therapist that specializes in both DBT and trauma based CBT. I have a history of "delusions" (which I think is bullshit) and "psychosis" and it's a part of my diagnosis right now. So, what that means is, I have so-called "breaks from reality" where I can't tell what's real and what's not. Like, I hear voices, and I apparently think of things that my psychiatrist says is "bizarre" and "illogical". I don't agree with it, but I want your opinion on whether you think this is a legit concern or if my therapist is right in saying this is just a "delusion". So, here's my deal,

Lately, I've been so scared to death that my uncle is trying to find me. I often hear his voice like he's talking to me, telling me that I'm running out of time, that he's coming! I don't know where he is exactly, I don't know if he's still in jail or if he's out roaming the streets or what. But I'm worried that he's hired men to plant cameras in the lightbulbs in my house, there's a camera in my shower head (I get so anxious before taking a shower that I shower in the dark with a swimsuit on) and he's bugged my computer. I'm not afraid of him bugging my house because I want him to know that I know that he's been watching me. I want him to know that he won't get away with this, if I do get more information to prove that he's truly watching, I'm going to call the police.

Now here's where me and my therapist butt heads. She says that I don't need to call the police because there is NO WAY that he's hired people to come and plant cameras in the house and there's no way that he'd go through the effort of bugging my computer. She also says that he's not actually talking to me. He can't communicate to my without physically being there, but I believe he can. He's very smart and crafty and I know he can figure out a way to communicate to me through his voice without having to physically be in the room with me. I also know that he was very fond of hurting me. I know that he liked me a lot and he'd go through flaming hoops to get to me again. I'm just, so confused.

My therapist said that if I called the police they would make it a lot worse for me, they'd probably have me evaluated and that would be more stressful for me and would add to my anxiety. I agree with her, I don't want to be evaluated, but I want to feel safe. No, I don't have any solid evidence that he's been watching me or anything, but I know that there are small cameras in the lightbulbs and in the shower head. I know he's done these things, I just can't prove it.

So, should I still call the police? Maybe they can do something to make sure he doesn't come after me and hurt me again?
Or is it better I just trust my therapist and not call?
I don't know what to do. It's gotten to the point where I'm so scared of him hurting me that I've been hurting myself. I know he just wants me hurt and I'd rather do it to myself than have him hurt me. I've also been contemplating offing myself lately. I'd rather be dead than have him find me and my parents. I know this sounds crazy but I've also been hearing his voice telling me to harm my parents as well to protect them. I want them safe, but I can't hurt them. UGH.

Just so many things going on at once in my brain, I wish it would all stop.
If this is in the wrong place, please move it, mods, thanks. Originally this was meant to just be advice, but now it seems more like it would fit in DEPP, SUI, and Self Harm forum.
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Your therapist is a ****. You should call the police because of the fact he abused you anyway, ignoring all the stuff about trying to get back into your life.
It may help you if you change the lightbulbs, cover the showerhead - or whatever you think may contain the cameras. It'll make you feel a lot better.

I feel that calling the police is not necessary unless you have proof, or they won't listen to you.
You could always take the showerhead/lightbulbs apart and find the cameras. Cameras can be small, but if they're there then you will see them. They can't be microscopic, and the tiny cameras surgeons use would be way too expensive unless your uncle is just filthy rich. Find the camera's if they're there, that'd be your physical evidence.
****. That's a hell of a situation.
I can't speak on whether your therapist is wrong or right; I am not a shrink. What I can tell you is this:
Trust your gut. Your "gut instinct" is an INVALUABLE tool, and you should always pay attention to it. It's simply your subconscious mind delivering information to your conscious mind that your conscious mind is ignoring, if you see my meaning there. There have been countless times when I've done something different because of what my gut is telling me. People don't pay enough attention to that sort of thing, but it's saved my **** more than once.
As far as calling the cops; that depends where you live. Are you in the States, or the UK, or where?
If you're in the States, your therapist is probably right; they won't take you seriously and may try to commit you. I can't speak on what cops anywhere else may do, but cops in the US are basically useless.
Have you considered taking self-defense or buying a gun? I don't even know how old you are, so I won't waste your time on that stuff until/unless you can tell me your age.
Self-defense is another very valuable tool. When you feel capable of taking care of yourself physically, it is VERY empowering. I've taken, then taught self-defense for women. I'm happy to give you some tips, if you care to learn them.
Having a gun is not a crazy idea, either, if you are willing to go through the training of handling one.
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I keep editing because I keep thinking of something else to tell you. Then I ran out of time so here's a bit more.
Have you considered paying the small fee to search public records and find the dirtbag yourself? Just having the information, knowing his criminal record (he must have one) and anything else that is on public record can not only give you information on the piece of ****, but having a leg up on his location is yet another way to be a step ahead of him, if he is after you. Information IS power. Never doubt that, and stop doubting yourself. You survived the abuse, you will survive this, too, as long as YOU take the control.