In the video when the truck first comes into view in the curve, you can actually see the car is in the trucks lane. Not sure if there was any contact then or not, but then you can see the car dart to the right and back to the left hitting the truck in the right front tire. And it actually becomes jammed which is what caused the truck to veer into the barrier.
Hopefully there will be an investigation report released telling the actual cause of the accident, as it could have been a number of things. But from the news report we can rule out a serious medical problem, as they reported no serious injuries.
I'm making a guess at saying it was probably a distracted driving accident - texting, talking on the cell, dropped something, etc.
But the video is an eye opener as to what can and often happens when cars cut in front of tractor trailers, but all to often the outcome is much worse.
I can't even imagine what the drivers on the opposite side where thinking when that truck went flying over the barrier. I think I would need a change of underwear!