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Cases on phones


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Do you use cases on your phone?

For me, I personally prefer my phone to be naked as I like to show it off lol and I like people asking me "OOH what phone is that?"
Always with a case just in case my phone slips from my fingers and collides with the earthly floor much too forcefully.

I try to make the case itself look cool but still be practical to make up for it.
Haven't bought a case for mine. Though I'd get one if I found a pretty one! XD
I currently do have a case for my phone, but its a cheap black plastic case, as there are not a lot of good cases for the Samsung Galaxy. And me myself, I am careful with my stuff, I haven't dropped my phone since January.
Yep, don't want my huge investment to go bad by dropping it and breaking it. I currently have a blue colored iron shield cover on my phone. Works really great.
I got a survivor case for my iPod that I don't use due to headphones not fitting.