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Cat people, need advice!


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We adopted a sweet little stray cat who had been hanging around our house for the past month, took her in to the vet and got her all cleaned up. My son has been keeping her in his room while we let our other 2 cats get used to her scent, well, today, somehow one of the cats got into the room and they fought. I found blood droplets on the carpet. :( Has anyone ever had trouble introducing a new cat to a multiple cat home? I just don't want any one to get hurt!!
When we got Sheba our little girl kitten a few years back we gave all 3 of them all a bath with the same stuff that way they all smelled the same, seemed to work ok and it gave us an excuse to bath them all.
What we did was keep the new kitten in a seperate room and let the others get to know her thru the door. That lasted about a week. Then we gradually let the kitten come out for short amounts of time. Eventually we left the kitten out all day when we were home and locked her up at night. There was some spitting and swatting, but they eventually all became friends. Is the new kitty fixed??? And where's the picture??????
We did get her fixed, she is all black with a little white bib.

How do I put a picture in here?


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She's so tiny!

Guaranteed kg will have some helpful advice for you.
Oh my!!!! I am in love with black cats! She is darling!!!! Wait til she gets fattened up a bit! Congrats!!!! She's beautiful!
Awww, she's a sweetie!

We had a couple fights at first, and we have a fight every now & again still after 2-3 years. Our cats aren't "buddies" but they get along for the most part.
My cats are mother & daughter and even they get in little scuffles from time to time. :giggles:
OMG she is sooooo cute! I love black cats too.

My advice is pretty much what chinamom said. Still keep them separate, let them sniff each other under the door. Since you already know there is animosity there, very gradually introduce them for short amounts of time, a little longer each time. Remember to use positive reinforcement: give them dinner or treats (something they all really like -- some chunks of canned tuna maybe?) during their together sessions; they will associate the food/treats and positive feelings with the new cat. Some cats are just more tolerant and mellow, and some are territorial and will fight when another cat intrudes on their turf.

I had the darndest time introducing my princess brat girl kitten to my then 7 year old boy cat (both were neutered). He really hated her; it was like **** Eating Crackers bad. It took over a year, but they've adjusted and they mostly get along now (though the boy cat is setting up to attack the girl cat right now because she's on his "spot" on my bed -- she knows it's coming and he won't hurt her; it's kind of funny). I still can't trust the princess brat cat with foster cats though. She's too territorial.

WTH happened to that poor kitteh's ear?
That means she's been spayed and released into the wild.
When I was a kid we used to rub a little tuna oil on them and but them in a box or the tub where they couldn't get away from each other. They were so busy licking the tuna off of each other that they made fast friends :giggles:
kg is definitely our resident cat expert.
WTH happened to that poor kitteh's ear?

She was a TNR- Trap, Neuter,Release, program sponsored by the Aspca, they spay or neuter feral cats and tip the ears. When we first discovered her, I was really hesitant to bring her inside with my other 2 cats and dog, so calling around the shelters I learned that black cats are really hard to adopt, and usually are put down, and then I found out about TNR. So we had it done, but she is SUCH a sweet little girl that I just could not resist bringing her in. She was covered in fleas and had ear mites and worms, but we have had her treated for those. We also found out she'd been nursing kittens about 2 months ago, but there is no sign of her babies. She only weighs 6 pounds and is about 8 months old.
She was a TNR- Trap, Neuter,Release, program sponsored by the Aspca, they spay or neuter feral cats and tip the ears. When we first discovered her, I was really hesitant to bring her inside with my other 2 cats and dog, so calling around the shelters I learned that black cats are really hard to adopt, and usually are put down, and then I found out about TNR. So we had it done, but she is SUCH a sweet little girl that I just could not resist bringing her in. She was covered in fleas and had ear mites and worms, but we have had her treated for those. We also found out she'd been nursing kittens about 2 months ago, but there is no sign of her babies. She only weighs 6 pounds and is about 8 months old.

Aw I'm so glad you gave in! I just heard not too long ago about black cats being the hardest to adopt. I've had two black cats and they were both sweeties. Suzy was missing a few teeth and her tongue was always hanging out (not to mention she had really bad breath) and Gertie was a tiny cat - reminded me a little of your girl.
I am surprised to hear that about black cats. My sweetie Delilah is all black & she is the nicest kitty we've ever had. :)
Aw I'm so glad you gave in! I just heard not too long ago about black cats being the hardest to adopt. I've had two black cats and they were both sweeties. Suzy was missing a few teeth and her tongue was always hanging out (not to mention she had really bad breath) and Gertie was a tiny cat - reminded me a little of your girl.

Thank you so much for taking her in bumblebee! She wouldn't have lived long out there without your kindness. In her pic, she looks like she just got a clean-up at the vet. She posed pretty well for the camera!

Most shelters around here will pull their black and mostly black cats and kittens from adoption in the 6 weeks or so before Halloween because of what a small number of people are compelled to do to black cats that time of year :pout: They can be harder to find homes for overall. Personally I think black cats' fur is usually so shiny and sleek and beautiful; the light just reflects off them in such a way when they walk to make them look so beautiful. And I love how the dark face makes their eyes appear so bright and expressive. I'm allergic and hated cats until I met a very special one, mostly black with white paws and one black toe. He adopted me and totally schooled me :giggles:

oh and thank you Joan but I think Tazz has me beat. And I'll always remember how Pam, may she rest in peace, loved her kitties very much, too.
She's a sweetie pie!

When we had two cats, we kept the newbie in Jonny's toy room and let them sniff each other under the door. We did this for a couple days and while Shawn and Sunny never became close, they tolerated each other and Shawn made sure Sunny knew he was in charge :lol: I miss Sunny :(
I dunno kg, whenever there's a kitty situation you've always got some very helpful advice. Tazzy I'm sure knows bucketloads about kitties but she doesn't really play with us anymore. :pout:
kg is definitely our resident cat expert.

OK. Question for KG.

As you know, we are moving...and driving to FL.

We are going to make an appointment for Ozzie at the Vet.
Hoping to get drugs for him for the drive.
Anything you know of to make the trip easier for him and us? What can we expect? I'm dreading this part of the move. :pout: