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Cell Phones While Driving


Hanging Out!
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The first rant on the site is going to be about driving and using a cell phone. Are people that cell phone needy they have to use it while driving? It is crazy to me to think that email or text is more important than your life. If you don't hurt or kill yourself, you could hurt or kill someone else. Or get a ticket for it. I just don't get it.
Short but to the point I think.
I have never understood why those who are on phones are not caught more often when driving, the number of people I have seen using their phone whilst behind the wheel and nothing happens to them or there is no one there to catch them.

Near misses in terms of accidents are high because of those who choose to not wait to do something on their phone.
That should be highly illegal and I've seen at least one relative doing it, thinking it's under control. No it's not. He should get hands-free gear for his vehicle.
I'm totally against this not after seeing the bad effects of such. you can get people killed with this act as you might lose concentration and driving straight to hitting people around
That's not only illegal but highly immoral and irresponsible. When you are out on the road, you are not only in charge of your safety, but it becomes a moral responsibility to think about others too. Your irresponsible behaviour can risk someone's precious life. Use of mobile phone during driving is one of the leading causes of so many accidents on regular basis.