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Census ??


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For all of you who didn't fill out your census forms you'll get 2 more visits. Some hag just visited me and informed me that I was being fined $55 for not filling out a form!! Well I'm not going to fill one out and I ain't paying squat. I thought we lived in America, at least that's the country I served for. Has anyone else went thru this?
Thanks Pyroxy for the info
I'm printing it now so when I get another visit I'll shove this in their face.
Were you able to listen ot that audio? It's funny as !@#$




Is it time for another Tea Party?
I filled mine out. I didn't get the huge long form either, though. I didn't see anything wrong with it.
I haven't filled out squat, and no one has come complainin to me about it. I don't really care about that stuff, because I think the government is already goin to hell, and no one is going to be able to turn around all the stupid things done over the years. (sorry to stray from the thread, but had to say it

"Gecko-In-A-Can... It's mmmm-mmmm good!"
The solutions are simple. We just need someone who has the cajones to stand up and break the mold.


Our founding fathers were VERY intelligent people and they forsaw our current situation as becoming reality 1 day and they implemented measures and safeguards for such into our founding documents which have been systemically destroyed over time.




Is it time for another Tea Party?
Its funny how the Republicans (note: I am a Rep.) are complaining about the long form questions! 3 years ago the questions were put before congress and they actually revised and added questions, then voted to allow the form. Now they come out and say that it is ridiculous!

Talk about not even knowing what they are voting on! come on guys and gals get it together, you wrote and approved what you are denouncing.