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Chartbuster's New Site Woes


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Anyone else having trouble or is it just me? I had a list for a Custom disc that I made before they changed the site. I went to finally order it and I can't find most of the songs that just a few weeks ago they said they had. I at first presumed that I was just an idiot (no comments, please) but when I typed in Elvis Presley and Beatles just for the heck of it and still got back 'Your search returned no results" I knew I was in trouble.

I know they aren't too good with emailing so maybe they will notice this thread.

Also--it is very awkward to do a custom by having to search each disc set that comes up for the song you want. Some of those set lists are 3 or more pages long. The other day I got just song lists to come up but now I am just getting pictures of products as a result of my search.
Sounds very frustrating. I myself have walked away from sales on a site where it was just too much to navigate to find what I was looking for.
I think this boils down to a poorly designed search engine and the designer just not having a clue as to how people like us search fro things. Maybe some intensive testing by real customers beforehand could have avoided this.
Hope they get it worked out for you.
Sounds very frustrating. I myself have walked away from sales on a site where it was just too much to navigate to find what I was looking for.
I think this boils down to a poorly designed search engine and the designer just not having a clue as to how people like us search fro things. Maybe some intensive testing by real customers beforehand could have avoided this.
Hope they get it worked out for you.

As with anything new, bugs happen. Give them feedback and hopefully they will get the problems sorted out...
Just wait a few days.
Once they complete their SC audit the tracks will reappear on their servers! :)
I don't know, they've redone the site a couple of time in the last year or two and every time it gets less and less user friendly and harder to find anything. It's not just Chartbuster, a lot of the manu's seem to be doing the same thing. The sites have lots of pretty graphics, but when you try to find any information all you end up doing is going in circles chasing your tail. :confusedpill::yahpullhair:
Yes--part of my frustration isn't their fault. We are "off the grid" and only have satellite internet available to us which is very slow. Any site with alot of fancy things on it takes forever to load and each place you go on it takes forever to load and it just takes all day to navigate. So it adds to the frustration of not being able to find what you want when you are waiting a minute to view each page.
Okay--was still getting "Search produced no results" when the whole screen started shuddering and after a brief time, some results popped up. So I made my way through only to discover that I had been so busy making sure I picked CDG for every option, I didn't notice that you also had to specify Vocal track, Karaoke Track or Instrumental Track so I had to delete a mess of tracks and start over. Good thing I noticed before I finalized. AGain, advanced search is the way to go so you can specify in the beginning.

But then, after an hour and a half--working from a list, not browsing--I get to checkout--a box pops up that asks if I agree to their terms of use before proceeding to checkout. What terms of use? So I minimize and open a new window and search for the terms of use I am agreeing to. As far as I could tell, it was the usual 1:1 thing except I didn't think their customs were supposed to be transferrable to a computer anyway. So what the heck I want to be done so I agree to who knows what.

Then comes shipping. No more Post Office option. Only UPS. So I would have had to pay $14-22 to ship ONE DISC? I am hoping something just didn't pop up and it's a mistake and will be fixed later. As it is, I logged out. Can't do it. The saga continues.
I also do not like the combined listing of cd+g format and downloadable files.

If I want to order a disc or disc set or SD, I want to see only those formats.

If I want to download a file, I want to search within only that section.

I want Gimmie That Girl (their spelling). I want to download only that song. I can't tell if it is available for direct download. I see cd+g, mp3, V, K, I and other details but honestly, I don't even know if I can download this one particular track.

I hope they kept their web database manager on staff. There needs to be some changes to the basic functionality/interface before I'll feel comfortable spending my $$ on their website.
I'm hoping it is just glitches. I'm hoping the USPS option still exists. Once I caught on, it went more smoothly. But it is not clear how to get to the custom CDG part. The icon says Custom CDG ARtwork and the first day I was clicking on that I kept getting kicked back to the Home page. Today I tried it about midway through my struggles and actually got some instructions on how to do the CDG thing. So once I got it, it went a bit faster. But it is still cumbersome to have to do advanced search for each song so you can narrow down the options. I wonder what terms I agreed to?
I thought I saw something about a Launch Special of Free Shipping of course this probably won't last long. But you are right about the $10+ shipping charge for one disc just be glad you don't want it overnight it's almost $80. I sent them a note (via the little pop up that comes up on every page) about the shipping charges and I think that everyone should send a note also.
I thought I saw something about a Launch Special of Free Shipping of course this probably won't last long. But you are right about the $10+ shipping charge for one disc just be glad you don't want it overnight it's almost $80. I sent them a note (via the little pop up that comes up on every page) about the shipping charges and I think that everyone should send a note also.

It's that "small handling charge" that gets you every time....
You have to buy more than one disc to get the free shipping.

I have never gotten a response by contacting them through their website.

I am thinking they will fix alot of the problems but I was wondering if anyone else was having the same type of problem or is it just due to our slow internet connection, etc.
They improved their Custom navigation and instructions--but still no USPS shipping option. In fact they added two more UPS options so now I could pay from $14 to $57 for ONE disc to be shipped. If this is permanent, it makes it much more difficult to "Buy American."
They improved their Custom navigation and instructions--but still no USPS shipping option. In fact they added two more UPS options so now I could pay from $14 to $57 for ONE disc to be shipped. If this is permanent, it makes it much more difficult to "Buy American."

We expect to have this fixed very shortly.
The IT department tells me that this should be fixed now. If you have any difficulties at all, leave a message here or drop a PM and we'll pass it along to the web development team ASAP.
Thank you. It isn't fixed yet but I will try again later in the day.

I see you are even offering customs on SD cards!
Looks like the problem was I had to add something more to the cart to get the postage to reset. The mailing option is coming up now but it looks like I have enought requests to add a second custom so will work on that tomorrow.

I just made a custom disc and at the end when it came to pick shipping there was no USPS option to choose from.
It shows the USPS option for regular discs but still only UPS for customs. I will attempt to call tomorrow.