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Christopher Reeve really IS Superman!


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NEW YORK, Sept. 10 — Christopher Reeve has regained some movement and sensation in his hands and feet, seven years after a horse-riding accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down. The “Superman” star also can breathe on his own for 90 minutes at a time, according to an article in the Sept. 23 issue of People magazine.

“TO BE ABLE to feel the just lightest touch is really a gift,” Reeve said.

The actor has received treatment for the past three years through the “activity-based recovery program” that his doctor, John McDonald, created. The therapy consists of electrical muscle stimulation combined with repetitive motion exercises.

The results: Reeve can move the fingers on his left hand and the toes on both feet. He can feel a pin prick on most parts of his body and can tell the difference between hot and cold, and sharp and dull.

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I get this feeling that he has the determination to for it to happen. So I say He walks
i tend to think maybe only in a limited capacity. i mean, his injuries were so severe :(

he's a wonderful person and i hope it happens someday soon.

i get tears in my eyes when i watch him in those old superman movies.
Originally posted by spidergoolash
i tend to think maybe only in a limited capacity. i mean, his injuries were so severe :(

he's a wonderful person and i hope it happens someday soon.

i get tears in my eyes when i watch him in those old superman movies.


i think he will end up surprising us all though. :D