Although I think Bill Clinton is the most sleazy, most dishonest, most criminal President in US History, and that he should still be serving jail time along with Web Hubbel, I also think that he is the most politically savy President in US History, and for those very reasons he will skate through this as he has all of the scandals of his presidency.
(try to say that in one breath) <g>
Lazio has come even with Hillary in the most recent polls. I can only hope that he wins that election, and no, I ain't a Republican. <g>
Yes Clinton is sleazy, yes he is dishonest, but all i have to say is so what. does the country need to spend all that money to prove what we all know. why not spend it on schools or something like that. And lying under oath. which one of you guys out there wouldnt have done the same thing if you were caught cheating on your wife. all i have to say is deny deny deny. oh well that is my thought on that.
So, lying under oath by the highest law enforcement officer in the country is OK?
No wonder that half of high school students think cheating on exams is OK. No wonder that BOTH political parties think that soft PAC money is OK. No wonder that half of married couples cheat on each other (both sexes). No wonder that half of marriages end in divorce.
The $40M+ USD could have been very easily saved by the Slickster saying, "yeah, she went down on me, so what?"
Look, I really don't care that the Slickster got a blow job from a young intern, but if he ain't man enough to own up to what he did when asked about it under oath, then he neither deserves to be president, or even a dog catcher as far as I'm concerned. With all due apologies to dog catcher's everywhere.
And as for your statement "... you would do the same...," if I was ashamed to own up to having any kind of sex with some woman, I would simply walk away from her saying no.
****, the most powerful man in the free world, and he sure picks some dogs to fool around with, Hillary, Paula, Monica, ..., or maybe just the ugliest ones to come to light.
One more thing, please check out the link in Rape X2.
No Ski Bum i am not saying that lying under oath is ok what i am saying is that we, as a country spent way too much time and money to prove something that almost the whole country already knew. and when i said i would do the same thing i didnt mean that i would ever get myself in that perdicament. if i was ever placed in that situation i would do the same as you and say no. but i just think that it is the natural response is to deny it. when you were a little kid and you got caught with your hand in the "cookie jar" and your mom asked what you were doing the first thing out of your mouth was probably "nothing."
that rape x story you pointed me too was interesting. it jsut goes to support our earlier claims that Clinton is sleazy and dishonest.
and i will definatly agree with you Clinton looks for girls in the dog pound.
when you were a little kid and you got caught with your hand in the "cookie jar" and your mom asked what you were doing the first thing out of your mouth was probably "nothing."
Yes I did, but there is a bit of difference between a pre-pubescent boy and a 50+ year old grown man.
I do agree that a lot of money was spent on that investigation, but there were also 16 felony convictions that came out of that investigation, including Jim Guy Tucker who was at the time the sitting governor of Arkansas.
The main things that trouble me with that whole investigation are the conclusion that Vince Foster committed suicide, and 900 confidential FBI files that were found in the residence quarters of the White House. For the life of me, I can't understand why Ken Starr didn't spend more time on those two things instead of a sperm stained blue dress. my opinion worst president was Nixon..Clinton is a bad president but he didn't put the economy in a turmoil as did Nixon. I don't condone what he did but its more of his family affair. Let him face the charges after his office term. Don't waste the public's time and money on him anymore.