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Cloned meat!


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(AP) Federal scientists have concluded there is no difference between food from cloned animals and food from conventional livestock, setting the stage for the government to declare Thursday that cloned animals are safe for the human food supply.

The Food and Drug Administration planned to brief industry groups in advance of an announcement. The agency indicated it would approve cloned livestock in a scientific journal article published online earlier this month.

The agency "concludes that meat and milk from clones and their progeny is as safe to eat as corresponding products derived from animals produced using contemporary agricultural practices," FDA scientists Larisa Rudenko and John C. Matheson wrote in the Jan. 1 issue of Theriogenology.

Also, FDA believes that no special labels are needed for food from clones or their offspring, the scientists wrote. Consumer groups say labels are a must, because surveys have shown people to be uncomfortable with the idea of cloned livestock.

"Consumers are going to be having a product that has potential safety issues and has a whole load of ethical issues tied to it, without any labeling," said Joseph Mendelson, legal director of the Center for Food Safety.


Does it bother you? It doesn't bother me in the least, but I know some people who are significantly vexed and perturbed by this news.

Talk amongst y'selves.
:: shrug ::

As long as it's safe, I don't really see what the big deal is. Admitedly, it would be odd the first few times, but I don't think I'd really have a problem with eating cloned meat.
As long as it doesn't create DNA monocultures, I think it's ok.

Otherwise, there might be the same risk as with plant monocultures -- if there's one illness that befalls that particular class of life form, it'll befall all of them.

This could happen, if, like, there's only one type of super-cow someday, replicated endlessly, and if it gets sick, all of them will get the same disease, and so on.

We need to be careful not to mess with nature too much; I think genetic modification is even more dangerous than cloning: One adverse affect on a particular type of plant or animal, and bam, it's gone.

Who was it who said "if the last tree has fallen, the last fish has been caught, the last river's been poisoned, you will learn that money isn't edible."
good points, monster...

it definitely smacks of eugenics a bit to me. who are we, really, to judge the perfect cow, let alone the perfect cow population?

but i think the market will sort itself out, pretty much. even if the FDA doesn't require labeling of cloned meats, consumers are going to demand labels on NONcloned meats. then the noncloned meats may end up costing more, but there's a chance the cloned meats will be better-tasting and cheaper because of the "perfect" cows and reluctant consumer market....

i will watch with interest!
Going on what Monster was saying, I was listening to NPR yesterday. There was a researcher on All Things Considered talking about this guy (who's name, unfortunately, promptly left my head after the story ended) in 19th (I think?) century Englad who did a lot of selective breeding with sheep. At the start of his career, the sheep going to market weighed about 20 pounds, but by the end of his career, they weighed 80 pounds. He didn't know anything about genetics, but he was naturally adept at selective breeding - called it in and in breeding, I think. Essentially he inbred sheep to the point where he was thisclose to creating clones. Anyway, the point of this is that he also made the sheep far more susceptible to various diseases; by breeding to get the meat, he also managed to encourage inherant weaknesses in the sheep, which may have led to all the problems we have with sick livestock today.

Wow, I hope that actually made sense. I'm not sure if my brain is fully functional yet.
I think that, as long as I didn't know it was cloned and it didn't taste any different, I wouldn't mind it. I think I'd feel a bit weird knowing I was eating cloned meat.
i'm kinda surprised this hasn't created a public outcry. and i was all primed to loudly not care and annoy the hippies.


next time.
i'm kinda surprised this hasn't created a public outcry. and i was all primed to loudly not care and annoy the hippies.


next time.

It did. There are consumer groups saying 1) how horrible HORRIBLE! it is and 2) how if the FDA DARE approve it, they MUST label all packaging.
yeah, but i expected the outcry to be... louder, or more in the public spotlight.
He-he ... eatin the same chicken for several times is so disgusting :lol:

1) I see nothing wrong with properly cloned beef or turkey.
2) 99.99% of americans are eating genetically modified fruits, veggies, poultry, meat and fish right now.
3) Cloned meat, is extremely good for nation. Modern cloning technologies are so expensive, so I think that first cloned meat will appear only at very expensive restaurants for very rich peoples. I am shure that that cloned meat will be free of drug/genetical/hormonal modifications.
3) Cloned meat, is extremely good for nation. Modern cloning technologies are so expensive, so I think that first cloned meat will appear only at very expensive restaurants for very rich peoples.

How very Russian of you to think that! No, it's just the other way around: The cheap meat will be the unlabelled cloned meat while the rich will enjoy the pure uncloned meat! ;) (cloned meat = cheap; 1st rule of capitalism: maximation of profit! you didn't read your Karl Marx right! ;) )
cloned meat = cheap
There was small company which had very interesting business. They was tying to sell cloned pets. You know, if Your favorite tiger died from flu - they promiced that new cloned one will be exact as old one. I do not remeber exactly, but prices started from $50,000 for cat. They are out of business now, cuz prices were so high.
You know, the price of cloned cow will be higher than price of cloned cat. And that high price will remain high at least for 5 years.

And about Marx ... What Harpo is usually saying when Grouco hit him? :nuts:
It's just like that buy land on Moon or Mars thing, you can do it right now, but you never know when to actually get something! ;)

The cloning technology is actually very simple, and cheap: If you have a good microscope, all you need is a fertilized egg and an unfertilized egg, some kind of tweezers and a little electricity. Seems high tech right now, but who knows who will be able to do it some years from now. And do you know how much a good bull costs? ;)
And do you know how much a good bull costs? ;)
So, You never read Marx before ;)

Anyway, You lose, just because Your capitalists feed You with cheap cloned cow.
I personally could care less. I think that a cow is a cow, and if they can clone a really good hunk of beef, then I am all for it. Besides, it will probably help bring lower prices on good cuts, and that is always good for the pocket change.

I guess for some reason I have the belief that they wouldn't allow it to be sold if it wasn't safe. I am normally a big critic of the government and its really lame controll of everything, however the FDA seems to always error on the side of caution.
I personally could care less. I think that a cow is a cow, and if they can clone a really good hunk of beef, then I am all for it. Besides, it will probably help bring lower prices on good cuts, and that is always good for the pocket change.
:yay: That words of wisdom!

Really, the cloning of snowman is much easier that cloning of earthling - that's why snowmen is future of the planet Earth :nod:
What you don't know won't hurt u, I don't feel you!
Knowledge is infinite, what you don't know could KILL YOU!
Is someone going to eat me up? I am alien'ated. You will get a kind of radioactive substance; 'yuck' for those who are trying to clone a cow.

BUT, I hate snowmans. I think I remembered an occasion when I went overseas during winter to Australia and got bombed with snowballs in empty streets, on my back. I turned back. To my suprise, it was just a snowman. I then continued walking and a while later, when I haven't even covered a hundred metre, I got bombed with snowballs again. But I quickly ran and hide in a nearby alley. Soon, a few kids turned up instead of a snowman. Imaginar'ious indeed...

Lobster, I am getting confused after reading your comment, after area51Drone 's comment. Sorry, getting used to 'Lobster', rather than Lobo. It is more common, eh?
