Cloud Ceiling Boosts Efficiency


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
From The Register:

According to the top researchers of the Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (IAO) in Stuttgart, the human mind is set up to work at its best under the open sky, with changing illumination caused by clouds passing overhead. The unvarying glare of office lighting is sub-optimal, therefore, and in order to wring the last ounce of efficiency from German workers whose productivity has already been pushed to unprecedented heights they have decided to rectify this.

lol, you're right, they could provide an interface to the system to let people program it, perhaps, then parties could be so much more fun! ;)

It sounds expensive at first, but many companies in Germany have very small, boring offices, so the price of a thousand bucks per square meter doesn't sound so bad, actually.

Price would come down anyway as soon as the tiles can be manufactured in volume. :)

If it becomes truly affordable one day, I could imagine using it for a ceiling in my apartment. :)