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Coming Soon from a GXS Near You

Matt Carr

Mastermind Talker
PF Member
Reaction score
If you were around before the site went down then you'd probably remember the "The Future" thread which basically had info on a bunch of stuff that was on the way far Gaming XS. Well things have obvisouly changed since then, but there's still a lot on the way for the future.

A few things you can expect soon are -
  • The Gaming XS site (durrrrr... :uhh: )
  • The Gaming XS Store (requested by you guys and we're going to deliver)
  • Wackin' Day (No... it's not a day when all the male members similtaneously wack o... well... anyway... hmm... lets start again)
    (A total remake in Flash of an old game that I created back in the day. It should be an excellent and addictive addition to the forums and will be GXS exclusive... unless other sites give me some $)
  • Competitions (Lotsa comps for lotsa prizes. If you want some competition action now then buy a lottery ticket in the store)
  • Interviews (because I love reading interviews with famous and kinda famous people on sites, Gaming XS will feature a lot of interviews. We may not break bread with Miyamoto, but we'll still be talking to people from the gaming industry)
  • Gaming XS Newsletter (your typical boring newsletter? I THINK NOT!!!!!! :evil::rage::cuss:... um... anyway... the newsletter will feature links to all our most recent and best articles, popular forum threads, information on our contests, exclusive Gaming XS information AND MOST OF ALL - Spam Lobster's Gossip Corner where Spam Lobster gives you his views on all the latest in the gaming, gaming xs, and gaming xs forums worlds.

That's just a taste of what's too come.
Wow...that sounds really good!

*Looks at his pitiful little site*
Where did it all go wrong...?
Sweet... my store idea's coming true :D

I can't wait for Spam Lobster's Gossip Corner too :D

...but when you say interviews, does this mean your going to be the interviewists, or are you gonna rip other sites off by taking their interviews?
Originally posted by Belmat
Wow...that sounds really good!

*Looks at his pitiful little site*
Where did it all go wrong...?

its not pitiful, its just not the BEST!!! This site will be the Best You should learn how to work with more advanced Flash and stuff!! :)
It's safe to way we are all looking forward to it:D
Interviews (because I love reading interviews with famous and kinda famous people on sites, Gaming XS will feature a lot of interviews. We may not break bread with Miyamoto, but we'll still be talking to people from the gaming industry)

For your very first interview I'll permit you to interview me.
Originally posted by TyBO134
does this mean your going to be the interviewists, or are you gonna rip other sites off by taking their interviews?

Taking interviews from other sites just wouldn't be the Gaming XS way :). We'll be the interviewers.
Originally posted by Matt Carr
Taking interviews from other sites just wouldn't be the Gaming XS way :). We'll be the interviewers.
Wow... I'm quite impressed! I'm chill with either way though... I was just curious...
Originally posted by TyBO134
Wow... I'm quite impressed! I'm chill with either way though... I was just curious...

Yeah, well ya can't just go 'round taking interviews from other sites. We'll be doing a whole lot of interviews, but not with very high up people in the games industry for a while. Just people that run online game dev teams and popular mods and stuff like that for a while.
Sounds nice. Especially thye Spam lobster gossip corner.