First it was global warming. Then it was global cooling. Now it's "climate change" and some people are in a huge panic about it. It's completely absurd.
The earth is a cyclic thing, and it has been ever since it came into existence. We've only been able to record a minutely small length of time of the earth's cycles and now that it is going into its next cycle, people are going apeshit trying to make it something it isn't. Panic about the earth's changes are ridiculous, in my opinion. What's happening with the planet now has happened before, multiple times, and it will happen again. It will continue to happen, regardless of what people do, until the earth itself no longer exists. Global warming, global cooling, climate change; whatever you call it, the best word for it is NATURE.
As with most things, what people don't understand or can't make sense of, they fear.