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Cop Gets House Arrest in Fatal Queens DUI


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A police detective was sentenced to 90 days' house arrest for a drunken-driving conviction stemming from a 1998 car collision that killed a Queens grandfather.

Meanwhile, Detective Robert Bolson revealed he is suing the estate of crash victim Federico Hurtado for $1 million — infuriating the dead man's family.

"It's adding insult to injury," said Victor Hurtado, the victim's son. "You killed a man, and now he wants to take away what we are using to financially support my mother."

The Hurtado family is suing Bolson and the city.

In a June bench trial, Queens Supreme Court Justice Seymour Rotker acquitted Bolson of multiple manslaughter and homicide charges in the death of 62-year-old Federico Hurtado.

But the judge convicted Bolson of common-law driving while intoxicated, a misdemeanor that means the defendant appeared to have been drinking, based on testimony but not chemical analysis.

During the trial, an auto collision expert hired by the Queens district attorney's office found Hurtado was the primary cause of the accident because he blew through a stop sign.

"I regret the guy's death, but it wasn't my fault," Bolson, 38, said yesterday. "I have to deal with that the rest of my life. I was on my way to work. I wasn't drunk."

In his lawsuit, Bolson contends he suffered "severe and permanent injury, personal injuries and suffered great pain, physical and mental anguish" in the April 26, 1998, accident.

Bolson's wife, Diane, is suing the Hurtado estate for an additional $250,000.

Bolson remains on modified duty and faces departmental charges, a police spokesman said.

Had that been any of us regular citizens, we would have been given a breathalizer test the second the cops arrived. Obviously this guy wasn't given one. Just because he was a cop and on the way to work did not mean that he wasn't drunk. It just pisses me off when cops are treated so much differently when, really, the only thing separating them from us is that badge, that many don't deserve to wear.

"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too."

- Samuel Butler