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crazy cat...


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Was stalking a woodchuck that may have decided to try and move in to the garage. After it snuck out, fixed the spot where it managed to get in. As I'm walking to shed to put stuff away, something gray and furry shoots out. It's some cat I've never seen before. It scared the beejeezus outta me, needless to say the little guy high-tailed it out of there like it was on fire. I had no idea what it was doing in there unless it was poking around for mice or something.

Have not seen the woodchuck again yet...

P.S. they run a lot faster than you think

The only good woodchuck is a dead woodchuck. They're fat little garden chomping varmits.

No no, they're cute.

Those evil rabbits are the ones causing the damage.
and What about those chipmunks??? :booted:
How much wood did the woodchuck chuck?

The problem isn't the wood, it's the lettuce, eggplant plants, cucumbers, tomatoes, swiss chard, beets, kohlrabi, etc. They can chuck all the trees they want, I've got thousands to choose from, just stop burrowing under or climbing over my garden fence and eating the good stuff. :snicker:
ya, but if the woodchuck COULD, how much would he chuck?
I would'nt shoo the cat out of the garage. Now's the time the mice will start looking for warm winter places...cats are the best free mousetraps!
Woodchuck!?!?! And I thought I had problems with 4 mice. Speaking of that if anyone cares I removed all food sources and I think they moved on. At least that is what I am telling myself :)
and What about those chipmunks??? :booted:


There's at least one that frequently runs by the door, flying out of nowhere. It's as if it wants to scare your pants off. When you hear something rustling and it sounds like it's moving fast you get the heck out of there...

....especially when I still don't know where that one large snake went to.
None, they aren't beavers. :giggles:

Steve doesn't like beavers either.

There's a really fat groundhog living in our backyard. Sadie keeps an eye on him. He's actually helping me because he's been eating all the pears that drop so I don't have to go out and pick them up. :)

The kids like watching him............he's out all the time.