Daschle's Office Receives Anthrax Letter

I have to admit all this reacent stuff with anthrax is kinda scary. Hopefully they figure it out and it all stops soon.
this is really starting to scare me. i mean, they can keep making it big news and being worried about more attacks, but if they don't start stopping this somehow no one is safe.

now, i trust the general consensus that this is a huge problem if deployed on a large scale, but not being an experti don't quite understand how something that is "treatable and not contagious among humans" could be that big of a problem - obviously i'm missing something. anyone know?
Anthrax is only harmful in the form of spores. But what can happen is, a person gets infected with it and doesn't know it. If they arn't aware, when they die the Anthrax virus will form spores and thus be contageous once again. It's more a matter of keeping everything under control. All it takes is a small group of people to come down with it who then move onto other cities and potentially spread it unknowingly. If no one is testing for it in other cities, then how do you know where it's at or who has to be treated?

In more important terms, have they tested these letters for any other sort of biochemical germs? Who's to say they only spread Anthrax and not some other equally dangerous contaminent?

It's treatable, but it's got to be treated early, when the symptoms are similar to flu, as I understand it. After a few days, the 'flu' goes away, you think you're better, then the full symptoms hit, by which time you're basically a dead man. As long as it keeps going in letters it probably can't do too much damage, because it can be isolated, and everyone who came into contact with it can be tracked down and treated, but if it were to be released on a large scale, the results would be catastrophic.
Now, we've gotten word that there's been a case of the same thing, which came in the form of hate mail with "powder" to a submarine manufacturing plant about 2 minutes from my school. Hermie said it best, simply put, this is terrifying.