This is a place to debate on the topic of assisted suicide and whether or not you believe it should be allowed.
Do you personally think there are situations where assisted suicide is okay? Or are you completely against it?
I feel that assisted suicide is certainly a viable option for those who really, really need it. I understand you might say, "they don't need to die, they just want to", but the point I'd like to make is that from the outside we can't possibly have any idea how much pain and suffering that someone is going through so why should be force them to go on living if they don't want to? I do believe that banning AS means that many people will harm themselves and put themselves through more torture simply just to die. Take for instance a man in the news last year, he starved himself and died of pneumonia all because the government refused to assist him end his life. I understand AS if someone's quality of life is completely destroyed. They should be well enough to make the decision themselves and make the case for it, imo.
What do you guys think?
Do you think it depends on the illness or state of the person? Or should anyone be allowed to decide that they want to end their lives and need help doing so?
Do you personally think there are situations where assisted suicide is okay? Or are you completely against it?
I feel that assisted suicide is certainly a viable option for those who really, really need it. I understand you might say, "they don't need to die, they just want to", but the point I'd like to make is that from the outside we can't possibly have any idea how much pain and suffering that someone is going through so why should be force them to go on living if they don't want to? I do believe that banning AS means that many people will harm themselves and put themselves through more torture simply just to die. Take for instance a man in the news last year, he starved himself and died of pneumonia all because the government refused to assist him end his life. I understand AS if someone's quality of life is completely destroyed. They should be well enough to make the decision themselves and make the case for it, imo.
What do you guys think?
Do you think it depends on the illness or state of the person? Or should anyone be allowed to decide that they want to end their lives and need help doing so?