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Decidedly Dim-wittted Dolts...


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Okay, I just like alliteration too much.

Is anyone else fed up with the stupidity in modern society?

Today in the land of Housekeeping, I faced a very real challenge. My best friend has been demoted YET AGAIN. Making her PART-TIME supervisor of housekeeping while someone with no experience (we'll call her Porsche... which is not her name, but that's what we're calling her) is FULL-TIME supervisor.

Porsche? Was alone today, supervising. NO one responded well. For whatever reason she talked down to people in a way that made her just seem... mean. Not like a boss sounds when they're telling you need to do something the right way... she just sounded... like she was talking to children or dogs. It made everyone nuts.

Now, she doesn't talk to me like that. For whatever reason it seems that I've gained some sort of respect from my co-workers. No one gives me any real issues, I don't give anyone else issues. I mean, I know a choice few people I'd like to punch in the face, but I keep these facts to myself.

Or I share them with Ashley... who is my best friend...

Anyway, today after Porsche was particularly awful to one girl (whose mother works in Sales and is friendly with the general manager), this girl got FURIOUS. She yelled at her about talking to her like she was a dog and she said "You may be a supervisor, but you don't get to just treat people like CRAP!" (Her version was a bit more colourful language-wise)

About half an hour later, she told someone they were going to slow and to pick up the pace. Perhaps it was in a nasty way, perhaps not. I don't actually know, considering I wasn't there. But this girl has been quiet since she started (about a month ago? Two weeks? I have really lost my sense of time since I'm just waiting for September to come around). This girl was PISSED and she went off on Porsche as well.

So two rage-quits in one day.

All the while, Porsche has been complaining to me about how people just don't want to do their jobs right and people are just so incompetent.

Every time she came to me with these things, I just had to stare blankly at her.

How the hell is THIS our new full-time supervisor?

Because, I put in for this position. So, what makes someone who forces people to rage-quit... a better supervisor than someone everyone generally gets along with and respects and ALSO has a good handle on how things are supposed to run?

I just don't understand the stupidity of the place I work in. Anyone else fed up with the insane amounts of stupidity that seems to have plagued this planet of ours?
View attachment 4339Basically its not what you know its who you know. Sorry to tell ya brother but that's the way life is. I read your entire post (which was long mind you) and that is what I came up with. If ya don't like it buy a bottle. If ya believe me then great. I feel ya though. Yes, the world is dumb. No, your not the only one who notices. .


  • brofistcover.jpg
    11.9 KB · Views: 65
Woah you need to have a meeting with the appropriate boss and tell them your concerns. If that happens and they don't listen take it further to somebody higher.
Actually, funny you should mention bringing it to someone higher. A few of my co-workers and myself have all sent e-mails to our corporate office. Since we asked our boss for the number and he gave us the e-mail instead. All the head of corporate did? Was forward the e-mails to our HR lady. Who basically ignored us.