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Do you need money for locks for your door?

She had to cut her cam short cause someone walked into the room.
OOOPS! Someone like one of the kids? Or like someone just walked in her house?
Kids. My money is on Hayley coming home early.
You heard a voice then Diddy made a face like "Oh ****" then the door opened, then the cam cut. :lol:
Mommy dances naked in front of the computer because you cry
lily waking up from her nap. i watched her all yesterday for nikki, and then again after trick or treating.

i also had her asleep in her playpen in my bedroom last night, so i would hear if she cried, and then i ended up getting up for water, forgetting about her, and tripping right over the fricken playpen. :lol:
Its a new month Dids, maybe your luck will change ;)
dont laugh. lol. I was trying to bribe her back to sleep.

you cant really reason with an 11 month old.

I don't think you can reason with women at any age. ;)
booze works...

will was a fireman yesterday. and dane was like "come over here so i can help you with your beard"

and will was like "eew! I dont want any beer! beer is yucky!"
