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Do I keep this or return it?



For Xmas I bought us a new coffeemaker. The one we have now is fine, it's a Braun and we have had it for 20 years. We only have been drinking coffee for about 6 months, it's just been sitting in a closet, so it is fine for us.

I REALLY wanted one with a clock so I could set it up the night before and have the coffee when we wake up. So I got one from Kohls with a discount and on sale. It's a nice one, I think in the end I paid $50 or $60 for it.

Now DH says that he doesn't want to drink any more coffee! Do I take back the nice one I got and just get the black friday $19.99 model? I am feeling guilty that I spent money on what I thought was a gift for US and now it would just be for me.

What would you do? I just feel so guilty!
Are you still going to drink coffee everyday? And will you use the timer on the coffee pot? If the answer is YES, then I say keep it. It has been 20 years since your last coffee pot! If you can afford it then go ahead and treat yourself. Coffee and or Diet Coke is a must in our house the whole day.

A friend of mine says "Guilt is a wasted emotion".
I don't drink coffee so I wouldn't have bought it nor paid alot of money. I am thinking you didn't open it and it is returnable. I also don't know if I would trust one with a clock and timer. As I said I am not a coffee drinker, but have heard stories about coffee makers not operating correctly.
Bottom line is you wanted to have coffee fresh and hot waiting for you in the morning. Has this changed? No, only the fact that your husband has decided not to drink coffee anymore. So, keep the new machine, enjoy the convenience and see if the smell of fresh coffee brewing doesn't reconvert your DH.

See how nice I can be? My normal response would be to say screw him - you want it, go for it. What do you think would happen if the situation were reversed? Would you or would you not still have that new coffee maker pumping out the java?
Oh keep it.....us couponers/ frugal peeps too often put ourselves last.....splurge once in a while.....you deserve it. ;)
I say return it. You can still pick up a cheaper one with the clock and timer (doesn't even have to be a BF deal), they're out there.
Many things to think about here.......Thanks!
We use a separate timer...I think DH bought it @ Menard's...our hard water kills a coffee pot a year, so we just buy the $10.99 cheapies...
Now DH says that he doesn't want to drink any more coffee!

The more important question here is why doens't your DH want to drink coffee anymore? It be goood! :drool:
I love coffee flavored sweetened cream. :snort:

Why am I fat? oooh yeah...:lol:
I say keep it. It's nice to have the smell of brewing coffee wafting into my bedroom in the morning. Mine beeps when it's done brewing :)

After a series of cheap coffeemakers that broke after about a year of using them, I bit the bullet and recently bought a Cuisinart. I love it! I believe there is a difference in the flavor of the coffee depending on the coffeemaker. The cheap coffeemakers have negative worth because the coffee they make is so crappy (they don't heat the water hot enough and the coffee ends up tasting bad).
I say keep it. I would be lost w/o my coffeemaker with timer. I call it my "maid".
Another nice thing is I'll set it for example: 2-3pm if I am going to be out running errands. Ahhhhh theres nothing better than opening the front door and smelling that coffee!