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Do photoshopped pics make you feel bad about your looks?


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Southern Indiana
They sometimes do, but my boyfriend is really sweet and lets me know I look good. <:
I get a sinking feeling when my edited pictures get tons of likes and then my none edited get only a few. Makes me feel like nobody actually thinks I'm pretty at all. Then again, I have really low self esteem anyway.
Not much, but been a size you are, is your choice.
Like now, I go to the gym to maintain a physically appearance, so I don't really care for fake photo shopped pictures, because they aren't real.
I love photoshop, 'tis my ****.
And I don't have a problem about doing it to photographs of me. I actually quite like to see me in black and white or with more contrast and more lively colors. u.u
photoshopped pics of me? no
photoshoped pics of someone else? nope

i am not the best good looking girl nor i have the perfect body (although i have been said to be near it) but i do know i'm not the ugliest girl so they doesnt bother me.
its photoshop. not real. i do envy models (some). they are real when they on the passerelle
Nope, because I understand all the different components that are involved in the production of the image. For example, there is the professional make up artist, stylist, and photographer. Of course there's all the air brushing and photo shop as well. You should never look down on yourself because of a photo shopped pic! What is presented is artificial. Embrace who you are and be proud!
Photoshop is a small part, make-up and a soft-focus lens will make any skin perfect, photoshop will mostly be used to make people appear taller and skinnier.

Passerelle models actually have to be super skinny, that's why they die of starvation before the age of 25.

I personally don't really care, I like to think I'm pretty hot.
They used to when I had really low self-esteem. I would try so hard to look like those girls in fashion magazines. But my boyfriend tells me I am sexy and beautiful on a daily basis, so I know that I am a good looking person. I also know that those are just edited, and without that, those people in those pictures have a ****load of flaws about them. Nobody can look that perfect. In fact there is no such thing as perfect. Those images are just what they use to sell products and some of them what they think women/men should look like. I find that to be very untrue becasue each person is special and unique in their own beautiful way.
I love photoshop, 'tis my ****.
And I don't have a problem about doing it to photographs of me. I actually quite like to see me in black and white or with more contrast and more lively colors. u.u

Same here! :)

But i wouldn't play with my weight tho, on Photoshop.
Yeah, it gets me down a lot. I try not to look at them because I know it will upset me.