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Do they earn something from Freewares


Hanging Out!
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We can find many freeware software's in the world of internet. Do you think they earn something out of it, by providing it for free. Because they have put so much effort in it to build it and giving it for free.

Your suggestions?
freeware is the rare proof of good will on the internet and at the very least they are earning my gratitude and they are definitely helping to slow the rapid deterioration of today civilization
They earn fame and sponsors. Simple ads when using their tool or linkback can help the developer. So some way they earn money.
Jason said:
We can find many freeware software's in the world of internet. Do you think they earn something out of it, by providing it for free. Because they have put so much effort in it to build it and giving it for free.

Your suggestions?

It depends, some people just do it for the passion, some do it as a marketing tactic, everyone has a different reason for providing freeware or anything else really.
It depends, some of them are completely free and some of them Give a free demo or trial in order to purchase a full version.
They earn it from sponsors and ads..

Some of them are give the trial first before you can pruchased the full version
Ever been banned from twitter or another network?

Has twitter or another social network ever banned you? If they have why did they?

I have heard of a few people getting banned for mass following and unfollowing.

I've never been banned from a social network!
I was banned from Tea Party Community for telling the administrator the truth. He was an arrogant prick who was full of himself. He's still exploiting the Tea Party for monetary gain.
I been warned recently on Facebook about a political thread I had been in. That was when I rejoined the tea party community again. TPC is almost like Facebook but I can view my stance with no harassment because most have the same views I do that are on TPC.
i got banned from facebook for having two accounts awhile ago .-.
Raizen said:
Thats not allowed? Who knew. Thsts lame.

sent from a small box floating in the ocean.
Yeah you can only have one account unless you are a parent of a child who has a facebook account.
You can have as many pages as you want. I mean the ones you like.
Never been banned from a site. Facebook and Twitter and getting overrated so my use of using them is slim to none for certain things
I actually got banned from Facebook a while back. Apparently their security system flagged me as a non-human user.

I emailed them and got my account reactivated, thankfully.
This thread seems to be about two different things :) Anyway, going back to freeware, providers earn from it in the following ways:

Selling ad space and sponsorship
Charging for premium features, sometimes known as freemium
Charging for services such as installation and support
Selling the business or rights to the technology.

Other people provide software completely free, with no intention or means of ever making money from it.