No I do not think that violent video games lead to behavior problems. There have been violent people ever since the beginning of time when there were no video games. There will always be violence sadly.
I don't believe they do, I played saints row & GTA San Andreas when I was like 8 years old and I knew the difference between a game and the real world.
I put this up cause i read about a teen that went huts in a country, when the police went through his house , they saw a heap of games that were a violent nature, but i think , that most people that commit these offense have an underlying issue as well , and the public are to quick to blame something else
I don't think that it can affect people as a lot of people play violent games and not everyone of them have turned into violent people or murderers. I think the media just use it to try and get more people to read their papers or watch their shows especially parents that are worried about their kids/teenagers. Violence has been here for a long time, way before games were invented
I think too much of anything can lead to influential behavior so if you tend to play too much of violent games, you are probable to be influenced. Also kids pick up almost anything so it could be influential to kids.
I don't believe so. If someone behaves badly, it is already a problem with their behavior before they ever start playing video games. It has more to do with how a person was raised, not by some video game.