I think aliens exist and they have been visiting us for thousands of years.
Discuss here.
Discuss here.
The probability that we are the only form of life in the entire universe is something that's almost impossible to believe. I firmly believe there's other life out there, especially since we've found remnants of water on Mars and have detected planets with similar atmospheric conditions to the Earths.
it'd be an insult to our conscience to affirm there are no other life forms out there.
If we can't even determine the life on our own planet, how can we with any certainty claim there is or isn't life on others?
I do agree with this. Would be cool to explore space.Space is too **** big for us to assume we're alone.
A team of British scientists is convinced it has found proof of alien life, after it harvested strange particles from the edge of space.
The scientists sent a balloon 27km into the stratosphere, which came back carrying small biological organisms which they believe can only have originated from space.
Professor Milton Wainwright told The Independent that he was "95 per cent convinced" that the organisms did not originate from earth.
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