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Do you enjoy travelling?


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Making trips around the whole world remains one of the hobbies of most people. There are people that enjoys going on trips to different places. For others, they find traveling a difficult task and prefer staying in a city for as long as they could. What do you like to do?
My enjoying traveling is completely dependent on what I'm traveling with. I really hate long bus ride and I can't be in the boat or ship for too long as I get sea sick almost immediately. But if it's flying ✈, let's go around the world immediately.
I do like travelling although since Covid happened I haven’t been able to and to be honest I’m not interested right now. I think at some point in the future I’d like to make another big trip. Not sure where though.
I love travelling and it's something I've done a lot over recent years except for during Covid because everything pretty much topped. Before that happened I used to go on a few vacations a year to explore somewhere new and experience new cultures. I'm very lucky that I have the opportunity.
I'm not really into traveling for fun and catching up because it's always very stressful for me to move about too much. If it's not a business travel, I always find it very difficult to cope with it.
I'm not much of a traveller. I find it always really stressful trying to get the best deal, making sure everything is booked correctly, getting it all organised and getting to the airport on time. It is always worth it in the end because holidays are always fun to explore new places!
I really like to go and travel because it's exciting to visit new places and meet new people on your way. I think it can be scary sometimes and having a language barrier is difficult to get around but it's worth it in the end because being able to experience new cultures is important. It helps expand your mind and take yourself out of your comfort zone.
I like to travel and explore new places but I don't like to travel too much in a short period of time. I can get quite homesick sometimes and being away from home can be stressful.

Having said that, going away for a few days to a week is nice, especially if it's hot and sunny and maybe on a beach somewhere. I like to go to exotic countries and explore the landscapes.
I will be honest, I have not done a whole lot of traveling myself but I have often wanted to do so if I was ever given the chance. I know so many people who tend to travel a lot and they love going to different places and exploring and it has often been something I have wished I could do.
Traveling helps me unwind and immerse myself in new cultures, try different cuisines, and connect with new people. I used to love traveling, but since my health declined, I have been sticking to local trips. I enjoy exploring different provinces here in the Philippines. Hopefully, I will be able to explore other parts of the country in the future.
One thing I really enjoy so much is traveling. Though it can be stressful but I find it rather fun to see new places, buy things and eat and so on. It's a pity I hardly travel due to my busy schedule and the cost of things right now.
Yes! Of course, I love to travel and I love to travel to new places that I haven't visited before, my last trip was to Latin America in January, and the truth is that it was amazing, I think almost all of us like to travel.