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Do you like where you work?


Mastermind Talker
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For those working. :D Tell us why/why not!
Well now that we own a garden centre you could say that I am one "Very Happy Bunny".

I quite simply couldn't be happier. :)
Hell no, but it gets me my money, so I won't complain.
I love it.
There's upsides and downsides obviously, such as one particular staff I have full intentions of punching in the face once I start my maternity leave, and a few residents I really have no patience for. As a whole though, it's probably the best job I've had to date and I'll be sad to leave when baby comes.
Yes and No. Working for a agency has it's downfalls and I'm getting 1 day a week atm, but love the job I'm doing minus the ****s (who i can handle) that are on there. However it brings money in to pay the bills. Currently looking else where atm with no avail.
Last year I moved out from our noisy Ops Room to make a private office up in the top of the property, so as not be so disturbed. I never liked offices anyway, hated them. Since my illness I no longer start work at some insane hour to steal the march on phones ringing and suchlike. I have a good PA who acts like a guard dog for me. She may be in her early 60's, but nobody gets past her. So yes, I love where I work and have a private sheltered area outside where I can go out for a snout without the friggin' Smoke Police getting on my back. Not that they'd dare, anyway. Or I'd fire them. :p
pff no. I grit my teeth and deal with it though. When I leave in September I am going to be so happy.
I currently work from home, so yes I do like it. I would actually prefer to have a 'real' job though because being stuck in the house is pretty depressing in comparison.
I work in a very stressful environment that keeps making me want to pull my hair out. Although I have a great boss and awesome colleagues I get along with, I doubt I will be continuing with it once I go back to school full time. It has been 2 years and the money is great but the stress of it is just too much and I hate having to take work home too, something which I have to do a lot in this job.
I work at a petstore. Get me out of here! My boss is absolutely horrible to me, the work is dull as anything and the pay could be much much better for the time I put into it. That and the fact I deal with the most irritating of people.
I really like my job. I just work at the front desk at my dad's office. Its a lot of boring office work, filing papers, sending faxes, answering the phone, etc... but I get paid $9/hour to essentially sit at a desk.
I honestly couldn't ask for a better job, but I hate it there like anywhere else. However, I am grateful for the job.
It's okay. Kinda boring but better than being unemployed. ;c
I don't have an official job but my half jobs-

Confab-It- love it.
Working from home helping my mom with her gold plating work = money - love it.
Yeah, I like where I work. I get along with everyone there, I even consider them my second family! I don't get along with one girl but everyone hates her there because she's just lazy and horrible. She has my name unfortunately, so they gave me a nickname and I'm like the "favourite Hannah", as someone once said. :giggle: They're very supportive and give you money if you need it for rent or whatever. If you tell them you have rent to pay or something like that, they'll give you more shifts so you get more money. :) The only downside is the boss I first met and worked with, was so lovely, friendly and motivating; I loved working with him! But then he left and I was genuinely sad about it. However, he added me on Facebook not long after and started grooming me online, trying to invite himself over and things so I had to block him which was a shame, because I'd always known him as a nice man. :sad: The idea of getting a new boss was a bit daunting, but luckily, he's really nice, but probably too laid back for my liking. I hate lazy people in work! :duh: The pay is not so great but it's legally gone up because I'm now 18. But I'd prefer a low paying job with a laid back, happy environment, than a high paying one which is stressful and I go home crying instead of smiling (yeah, most days I come home smiling from work because of the lack of considerable stress, though it can get stressful at times and the great people I work with). :)
No, just gave notice after 13 years... they took a dollar from everyone four years ago... then another three years ago... but the gut who runs the Co. spent 18,000 bucks on a petrified tree trunk for the conference room... It used to be a good company but now there are too many back stabbers and liars who do nothing except get credit for others work
I'm not too crazy about it, its long and tiring.

but it's a bridge to help me get through school.