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Do you recycle?

Do You Recycle?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 87.5%
  • Nein

    Votes: 2 12.5%

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Do you lot recycle in your homes or not?
How long have you recycled and when did you start?
Why do you not recycle?
Will you recycle when you move out?
Do you think everyone should, or everyone should not bother?

I was considering introducing it into my family home because my boyfriend's family recycle (I never realised it was so easy until I started doing it there) and because I heard the UK was the worst out of it's recycling compared to our EU neighbours... Thought I'd try give it a shot. I'm still not sure if I should even bother though, I mean they're always nagging to turn off lights and **** but does it even make much difference and does that many people do it anyway?
Oh my days it's insane at my house, my mum is like a recycling enthusiast
We have about 50 different bins and we have this monitor that measures how much electricity we're using (which probz uses electricity lolz)
And in the winter my mum always shuts every door "to keep the heat in" so we don't have to use the radiators at such a high level or something idek

Though it's my fault because when I was 10 I made an eco-club and I let her join and I'd give her stickers every time she did something good for the earth O_o
Oh my days it's insane at my house, my mum is like a recycling enthusiast
We have about 50 different bins and we have this monitor that measures how much electricity we're using (which probz uses electricity lolz)
And in the winter my mum always shuts every door "to keep the heat in" so we don't have to use the radiators at such a high level or something idek

Though it's my fault because when I was 10 I made an eco-club and I let her join and I'd give her stickers every time she did something good for the earth O_o

Oh my god. This is hilarious :L At least your mum is doing her part though xD
Starry your post made my day xD

As for recycling, we do a little bit. We don't do as much as we could but plastic bottles etc go into a separate bin :)
Guys I just spent 15 minutes cleaning mud and gunk off our recycling bins that have been stuffed in our front garden for god knows how many years and I've sorted out a recycling system for my house to go by. How cool am I? :)
Guys I just spent 15 minutes cleaning mud and gunk off our recycling bins that have been stuffed in our front garden for god knows how many years and I've sorted out a recycling system for my house to go by. How cool am I? :)

If you've got it flaunt it :D
At home my family recycle quite a bit.
We have all the different bins for bottles and cardboard and whatnot, plus a recycling bin for wasted food.
We also have a small compost heap of our own in our garden for if the food-bin's too full some weeks.

There's a recyling point at the uni flats I'm staying in, but I just never get around to actually recycling anything 'cause I'm just too slack/lazy to keep up with it :p
Recycling is way more common than I thought haha.
I do recycle, yes.
I've always tried to recycle what I use, and I don't really use that much so it's a pretty easy job for me to do. I will probably always recycle, purely because it's easy for me to do.
It'd be better if more people were to recycle, but I know far too many people who won't actually want try; they'll recycle if it's easy but if it's not, they wont bother.
We do recycle where I am, yes. :) I loved going to the supermarket and shoving the bottles in those machines that would crush them up and then return your money back in a receipt as a kid xD
We do also. We try to do everything we can.
Guys I just spent 15 minutes cleaning mud and gunk off our recycling bins that have been stuffed in our front garden for god knows how many years and I've sorted out a recycling system for my house to go by. How cool am I? :)

You're about as cool as they get. :D
Recycling is HUGE around my area. And it's ridiculously simple.
Our cans and bottles all have a $.10 deposit on them, so throwing them in the trash is just tossing money out the window. With the amount of beer that is consumed in my house, we return cans in the amount of about $25 every 10 days or so. Sure, we have to pay the deposit when we buy the item, but to bring all the cans back and get that chunk of money back is always nice.
Our milk jugs, anything cardboard, newspapers, wrappings, boxes, packages from food and other supplies; practically everything is put into a green bin and set to the curb every Friday for the city to come pick up and take to the recycling plant. One truck comes for trash, another for recyclables. Very little is put into the trash cans.
Tommy, recycling DOES make a difference, if you ask me. If we all do just our own little bit, it really does add up and it's SO much better to recycle and reuse than to see all the tons of trash end up in landfills or the ocean.
I'm an adamant believer in recycling!!! I try to buy things that have packaging made from recycled material as well.
Only aluminum cans, but that's only because my granddad likes to recycle them so my mom gives the cans we collect to him whenever we get a full bag.

We used to recycle our own cans but it's not worth the gas money it takes to get to the place. And what I put in a **** ton of cans and don't even get 75 cents?! So yeah, not ****ing worth the effort. If I got a little more back and could also recycle my glass soda bottles for money then I may actually recycle because then it would be worth going out of my way to recycle then, you know to ensure I get my cash.

As for boxes and junk, well soda boxes we through away, but package boxes my dad likes to keep so he can use them later, I like to keep shoe boxes because you never know when we'll need them for present wrapping, and all our other boxes we keep outside in our garage. We practically never throw cardboard boxes away, unless they're soda boxes, but despite this I still can't ever find the right size boxes when wrapping presents. But seriously we like have a lot of cardboard boxes, most of them are fairly large.

Plastics, well, we reuse our water bottles the bulk of the time, and I sometimes fill up empty ones with water for storage purposes. But plastic bags, we tend to hold onto those in case we need them for something, like trash can liners. I can't tell you how much of a life saver plastic bags are for that (I remember back when i ad to clean the trash cans - ugh, I gag at the memory). Or in case we need a 'snack bag' for a road trip or something. But usually we just leave them sitting in a corner inside a giant paper bag. But we don't recycle anything else that's plastic.

I think that's everything...

Well we don't even have a recycling bin and don't feel like we need one. We hoard paper and cardboard, don't really use glass enough to worry about, we give our soda cans away, and we just don't don't throw away a lot of plastic stuff really (not that I think about it), only if it's broken and can't be fixed to we chunk it. Otherwise it's mostly just food and paper scraps and junk mail that goes into our garbage. Although don't get me wrong, there's always plastic or cardboard in there somewhere, just not as much as everything else. Really depends on what it is exactly.

In a nutshell: No. Not really.
Pretty much rubbish goes in grey bin with blue lid, plastic bottles cardboard ext black veg into brown. We have four bins two only gets full the brim that's the black ones we used to have a small one, but council ordered bigger wider ones still have the small one like.