Do you lot recycle in your homes or not?
How long have you recycled and when did you start?
Why do you not recycle?
Will you recycle when you move out?
Do you think everyone should, or everyone should not bother?
I was considering introducing it into my family home because my boyfriend's family recycle (I never realised it was so easy until I started doing it there) and because I heard the UK was the worst out of it's recycling compared to our EU neighbours... Thought I'd try give it a shot. I'm still not sure if I should even bother though, I mean they're always nagging to turn off lights and **** but does it even make much difference and does that many people do it anyway?
How long have you recycled and when did you start?
Why do you not recycle?
Will you recycle when you move out?
Do you think everyone should, or everyone should not bother?
I was considering introducing it into my family home because my boyfriend's family recycle (I never realised it was so easy until I started doing it there) and because I heard the UK was the worst out of it's recycling compared to our EU neighbours... Thought I'd try give it a shot. I'm still not sure if I should even bother though, I mean they're always nagging to turn off lights and **** but does it even make much difference and does that many people do it anyway?