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Do you spell check when texting/ private messaging your friends


Legend Of The Universe
PF Member
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Topeka, Kansas
So a friend of mine and I were talking about this a week ago or so and I wanted to get a few opinions if possible.

  • Do you spell check all your text, tweets, facebook or just general post to the world?
  • Do you let errors slip when chatting with friends?

This all started because my new phone is android and I’ve been an iphone guy for about 5 years. Some of the text he gets from me will have random peroids.in.the content. Then some will have an auto correct that I didn’t see before hitting send.

I told him that I don’t take as much time when texting him because we’ve been friends for years, he should be able to figure out what I’m trying to say.lol He somewhat agreed and we went on. Since then it’s a topic I’ve been thinking about, I’ve notice that in some staff conversations (long term staff.. years) that I’ll get a little sloppy just because I’m trying to get what I want to say out so they can read over and we can talk about it. I’ve noticed in Twitter DM’s that I get a but sloppy, I don’t capitalize my i’s sometimes and just real simple spelling errors. Note.. These are general chat threads etc.. in the main staff threads about the site, everything looks proper.

So.. Does anyone else get lazy when chatting with IRL friends or online friends that you’ve known for years, talked with them for years etc..?

Also here is a picture of text from dog to laugh at ;)

When I'm conversing one on one with someone I've known for quite a while I don't worry about spelling or grammar. I try to use my "big boy pen" when I'm posting publicly or talking to clients, though I was never the greatest with grammar in the first place.
When I'm conversing one on one with someone I've known for quite a while I don't worry about spelling or grammar. I try to use my "big boy pen" when I'm posting publicly or talking to clients, though I was never the greatest with grammar in the first place.
Something I've been doing for a while now when I know I'm going to have a lot to say to a client or something like a blog post is to write it all out in MS word or similar word processor and it'll generally spell and grammar check it for you. :bag:
When I'm conversing one on one with someone I've known for quite a while I don't worry about spelling or grammar. I try to use my "big boy pen" when I'm posting publicly or talking to clients, though I was never the greatest with grammar in the first place.
I turned my auto-correct off on my iPhone. It got pretty annoying because it would always change a word and make me send out a dumb text. I don't spell check my texts.
I turned my auto-correct off on my iPhone. It got pretty annoying because it would always change a word and make me send out a dumb text. I don't spell check my texts.
For get about typing on a touch screen for me -- I've tried to use instant messengers on both my iPod Touch and Kindle it just frustrates me beyond belief!
For get about typing on a touch screen for me -- I've tried to use instant messengers on both my iPod Touch and Kindle it just frustrates me beyond belief!
man, I remember my old phones[non touch screen], it was so easier to text and I could text without even looking at the phone. I can't do it with my iPhone.:laugh:
I don't worry about spelling and grammar when texting. Really, you only text people about minor/casual stuff, nothing overly serious or professional. And if you're talking to friends, why care if you make one or two minor mistakes?
I will occasionally send a typo or auto-correct that I didn't catch first. The vast majority of the time, though, I pay close attention to the grammar and spelling. I hate looking like an idiot.
I try and spell check all the time, heck, proof read a few times. I write like I talk, all over the place. My spelling is atrocious .
I don't when it comes to text messages or chat messages but when I'm making a formal article or a blog post, spell checking will always be in my repertoire.
I do chek my spelling whether I am sending a private message, text or posting articles and on forums. Sometimes I do make spelling mistakes but not for lack of trying because I do proof read before sending. For articles and forums I find it a must because it sends a clear message across.
I do chek my spelling whether I am sending a private message, text or posting articles and on forums. Sometimes I do make spelling mistakes but not for lack of trying because I do proof read before sending. For articles and forums I find it a must because it sends a clear message across.

I agree with this sentiment. I try to always proofread anything I write whether I'm sending it via text message, email, or even IM/PM. I feel like if I don't stay vigilant about it my natural lazy tendencies will make me come across as too casual or unprofessional even when I need to be.
I will occasionally send a typo or auto-correct that I didn't catch first. The vast majority of the time, though, I pay close attention to the grammar and spelling. I hate looking like an idiot.
I hate when autocorrect corrects something that didn't need to be corrected. Like, I use certain words when I text just to make it shorter and all. Then, I have to send out a second text because of the darn auto-correct.
I'm really getting frustrated with my phone since I cracked the screen last weekend.
It's turning my bad texting into really annoying texting because every 4th word I have to redo because the autocorrect picked the wrong one.
I'd turn it off but I sometimes need the spell check. Something I have been using more is the speach to text option, so that's handy when the phone can understand me..lol