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Do you strive for quality over quantity on a forum?


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England, UK
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When it comes to running a forum, one of the things that many search engines such as Google look at are the quality of the content on the forum over the quantity. Good quality content is something that will help you out more than low-quality content and more content on a forum.

I know many forums that will only accept high-quality content over a lot of posts as they know that will help them out more in the long run.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you strive for quality content over quantity on your forum or is it something you are not too fussed about?
I'd like to have both really. I mean, it's doable and I think people need to set high standards. Do you agree?
Not only on forums, I strive more for quality than quantity on many things.
But that been said, what is quality?
What's "quality content" for google doesn't mean it's quality for me or for my forum. What about the quality of interaction among the users? Like responding quickly to a post with a simple
reply, for google, this is not quality, but for me, and for my community it is quality in interactions and activity.
So, what google consider "quality content" it's not for me.

As a forum owner, I would never put google's opinion over my community needs and natural community evolution as humans.

You may require in "some areas" quality content to attract search engines, but the entire forum shouldn't be based on strict "quality content". It's not natural that all posts/replies
needs to be X long. So, I would never require that.
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I make sure there is good quality, but I want members, not bots. So I do actually strive for engaging quantity.