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Do you support death penalty?


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Death penalty is a very controversial topic.

Some people like it, some people do not like it.

Personally I support death penalty 100%, because certain crimes warrant death penalty.

Discuss here.
I do support it, but i do when the crime doer doesn't realize or accept his/her wrong doing.
I support, support and support once more. In the city my parents live there was a case when a father hammered his son to death. That was awful and shocked for me. The neighbors did not pay any attention to the cries of that little child. The rude and cruel world. That is the case where death penalty is accepted, I suppose.
Yep, I do, for criminals such as rapists, child killers, serial killers & etc. But for lesser crimes like frauding & cheating, no. Because less harm to the society.
I support it for people who do really big crimes and dont regret it . Like I wouldnt kill a mentally ill criminal because well he didnt want to do it but because his brain went nuts he had to, so Id say kill those with no emotions.

Read this. I'd support the death sentence for this kinda "crime/atrocity" committed on a young girl.
Sad to know these people are from my country..even beast behave properly when compared to these idiots
If the crime is inhuman, than the person should simply be put to the death and quickly. No ifs or buts about it.
How to judge if a crime committed is "inhuman" since "inhuman" in itself is controversial/debatable?
Like how many people to vote yes/"in favour of" for the crime to "considered" as one?
Slightly, considering how many people were wrongly sentenced and killed innocently in the past. There are still people wrongly accused for sentences nowadays. While being innocent going to prison goes down as time-served for the future and possible compensation, at least you aren't killed.

Also, some criminals would rather die than go to prison for the rest of their lives - you're solving that problem with the death penalty. Some people really do deserve nothing better but death, but I feel it would be a worse experience for them if they were to be put in prison but change the lenient ways of living for them. If you are killing a murderer when you are not forced to (i.e, they are shooting at you/others), you are just as bad as them.
If you are killing a murderer when you are not forced to (i.e, they are shooting at you/others), you are just as bad as them.

Wait, wait.... Seeing a murderer shooting at me or others, that is EXACTLY what would cause ("force", in your words) me to shoot back and kill them. THAT makes me as bad as the one out there just to kill others for the "fun" of it? Saving myself and other innocent lives? I don't think I'm clear on your meaning here, @Han.
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Wait, wait.... Seeing a murderer shooting at me or others, that is EXACTLY what would cause ("force", in your words) me to shoot back and kill them. THAT makes me as bad as the one out there just to kill others for the "fun" of it? Saving myself and other innocent lives? I don't think I'm clear on your meaning here, @Han.

[MENTION=1290]Smooth[/MENTION] No, what I mean was that you are forced to when they are shooting at you/others - I understand how badly I worded that, though. o_O

I meant those killing people through lethal injection when they are no long a danger to anyone else makes them as bad as the criminal.
I'm so glad we don't have the death penalty in the EU (and more specifically the UK) but also that it's getting less popular. It's cruel and not needed in my opinion. If you need someone to die to move on with your life then **** me you're nasty.
I meant those killing people through lethal injection when they are no long a danger to anyone else makes them as bad as the criminal.

The alternative is to allow these killers to live in prison while the taxpayers support them for the rest of their lives in practical luxury. Free health care, room and board, meals, anything they can buy from the commissary; it's basically a reward for killing another person. So first they kill someone, then the rest of us pay for them to live, totally unproductive and no contribution to society.
For people who kill in cold blood, or those who mess with children, they have reneged their rights and instead of having them live at the cost of taxpayers, stick a needle in their arm and be done with them.
That's my opinion, anyway.
In the States, those who administer the death penalty are not guilty of murder because it is sanctioned by law.
The alternative is to allow these killers to live in prison while the taxpayers support them for the rest of their lives in practical luxury. Free health care, room and board, meals, anything they can buy from the commissary; it's basically a reward for killing another person. So first they kill someone, then the rest of us pay for them to live, totally unproductive and no contribution to society.
For people who kill in cold blood, or those who mess with children, they have reneged their rights and instead of having them live at the cost of taxpayers, stick a needle in their arm and be done with them.
That's my opinion, anyway.
In the States, those who administer the death penalty are not guilty of murder because it is sanctioned by law.

{...} it would be a worse experience for them if they were to be put in prison but change the lenient ways of living for them.

These people still have families - killing them, though they are criminals, pretty simply puts their family in a similar position to that of the person the criminal had murdered.

I understand your views, particularly as tax payers are the ones funding the living of these criminals, but it is not the fault of the criminal that their rights have improved and they receive these luxuries. If there were any way the system could go, I would suggest going back to past treatment of prisoners, but still excluding the death penalty.

People who meddle with kids and such are not taken well in prison among prisoners - the treatment they can receive is usually handed to them by criminals - some of which do not feel remorse, or actually enjoy seeing their victims suffer. They deserve that over death. Also, with rogue cops and such with their hand already in the legal system; though rare, I'd hate to know that someone innocent had been set up, and they were killed because of that.

There are just far too many cons in the situation in my opinion.

People who meddle with kids and such are not taken well in prison among prisoners - the treatment they can receive is usually handed to them by criminals - some of which do not feel remorse, or actually enjoy seeing their victims suffer. They deserve that over death.

I know exactly what happens to the maggots who mess with children. My ex-husband did 3 years during our "marriage". Prison justice is something anyone who abuses children should be deathly afraid of. There are even instances in which the CO's turn their backs so that justice can be served on pedophiles. It's one of the oddest parallels between inmates and the guards; both feel the same way about these pus buckets.
I agree with you that they deserve everything they get.

If there were any way the system could go, I would suggest going back to past treatment of prisoners, but still excluding the death penalty.

What type of past treatment are you referring to, Han?
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I know exactly what happens to the maggots who mess with children. My ex-husband did 3 years during our "marriage". Prison justice is something anyone who abuses children should be deathly afraid of. There are even instances in which the CO's turn their backs so that justice can be served on pedophiles. It's one of the oddest parallels between inmates and the guards; both feel the same way about these pus buckets.
I agree with you that they deserve everything they get.

What type of past treatment are you referring to, Han?

When prisoners didn't have huge rights, no television or entertainment (possibly books, though), basic facilities and such.

Hell, go back to the 1800s and make the prisoners carry out laborious jobs, receiving punishment if they didn't receive the targets set for them!
[MENTION=1290]Smooth[/MENTION] You really seem to be against the 'luxury' of prison. Have you ever thought about promoting and trying to change that area more specifically rather than the whole system? I've heard many complain about prisons being too nice but never actually try do anything. My uncle phoned me from his cell not too long ago and was very happy with the phone, TV etc. that he was allowed.
@Smooth You really seem to be against the 'luxury' of prison. Have you ever thought about promoting and trying to change that area more specifically rather than the whole system? I've heard many complain about prisons being too nice but never actually try do anything. My uncle phoned me from his cell not too long ago and was very happy with the phone, TV etc. that he was allowed.

Actually, I have, [MENTION=149]Tommy[/MENTION]. Unfortunately, prisons are run mostly by bleeding-heart liberals who are more concerned with kissing **** and prisoner's rights than they are concerned with the rights of the people whose lives have been wrecked by the inmates.
If it were up to me, prisons everywhere would be run like
Joe Arpaio's prison in Maricopa County, Arizona. This guy has the right idea. If every prison in America were run like Joe runs his, the crime rate in America would plummet in record time. No one other than Arpaio has the guts to treat prisoners like prisoners. My country is turning into a society of gutless cowards, who are afraid of their own shadows. It's disgusting to watch.
"Tent City" jails for everyone!!!